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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 

Her body was hers to control

Linda clicked open the 

app to check the live box office reviews

The most popular genre that year was fantasy, especially movies. about gods fighting

There were already four or five movies from renowned directors alone

There were also quite a few movies from overseas

Even though her movie wasn’t the most outstanding, it wasn’t the 


After Linda had worked like crazy for the past few months and done her best to promote her movie, there were quite a lot of people who had gone to watch her film

There were a bunch of reviews on a popular movie website

One said, I love Amber F so much. Everyone always tells me that I have to work really hard and keep aiming for the top in order to get whatever I want, but she’s the only one who says we’re all our own person and that everything we do is for ourselves

If something will make me happy, then I should do it. Even though working toward our future is good, enjoying the moment is more important. We should all work towards our goals, but we don’t need to kill ourselves trying. Before we can truly enjoy life, we must learn to love ourselves.” 

Another read, I think every girl would love Amber F. After finding out that she’s Linda Felix, most people would probably think she’s a hopeless romantic. After all, her rumors from back then can still be found today

I just never thought she would be spreading such a different

message from what she used to back then. I’ve been a fan for a long time, but every time I watch a new movie, I’ll judge it objectively. As a regular viewer, I really do recommend this movie.” 

One other commented, Compared to working hard and going to the extreme to reach your goals, I would prefer you to be happy instead. Live your life the way you want. You need to learn to love yourself, my girl.When I heard that line in the movie, I started sobbing

We really do need to love ourselves. Loving ourselves is the only way to be happy. That’s not just some old saying, either. Nowadays, us women really need to love ourselves in order to become successful.” 

Someone also said, I love you, Amber F! I’m not on the best terms with my family, so I was alone for Christmas and went to some steakhouse instead. After dinner, I wanted to kill some time and decided to watch this movie, but I ended up crying my eyes out

I finally understood that all relationships are fickle except for the one you have with yourself. Only the love you have for yourself will last forever.” 

There were a lot of similarly positive reviews

Linda felt glad as she scrolled through them

She felt she had successfully transmitted the message she wanted to spread through the movie

No matter where one went, women were always underestimated

Because of that, women had begun to give up on themselves

Some even let go of their true dreams and ended up marrying someone they didn’t even love due to pressure from their families

Linda had no way of changing the world, nor could she change centuries worth of history and culture

All she could do was share her perspective on the world, and hopefully, some people out there would resonate with it

Samson and Lexi were flying kites not too far away when the sweet cent of pear blossoms came wafting past

There was a pear tree right outside the mansion

The white, flawless pear blossoms were fluttering along with the wind


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