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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 

After that, the doctor turned and went back into the operating room

Linda stood there in shock, her mind blank. Lina caught her just before she collapsed

Luke was transferted to a VIP room, but he hadn’t woken up yet

Don’t worry,Linasald gently, sitting on a small couch to comfort Linda. Even though the doctors here can’t guarantee a full recovery, the medical advancements abroad are more promising 

Do you remember how severe your injuries were after the fire? Yet, you healed perfectly. You have to trust that Lake will pull through, too 

William added, Linda, there’s no need to worry. I’ve already had my 

yassistant reach out to that specialist the doctor mentioned. If Luke’s recovery doesn’t go as planned, I’ll do everything I can to bring that doctor here to save his arm.” 

In fact, William had a lot of respect for Luke for venturing into the remote factory alone and rescuing Linda despite being badly injured

Thank you.Linda nodded, curling up in Lina’s arms

It wasn’t until later that evening that Luke slowly regained consciousness

Linda!he gasped as if waking from a nightmare, calling out for Linda 

Linda rushed to his side. I’m bere. Don’t move.‘ 

When Luke saw her, relief washed over him, I’m glad you’re okay.” 

why did you come alone? That was so reckless.” 

Luke’s lips were dry and cracked, and as he tried to smile, blood seeped from the corner of his mouth

Bringing more people could’ve spooked them. I was afraid if they panicked, they’d hurt you. If something had happened to you. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself – 

Linda took a waterdipped cotton swab from Lina and gently dabbed at Luke’s lips

They only wanted money, not my life,she said quietly, her movements tender

Well, I couldn’t think straight at that time,” 

Then, they spoke in unison, Your hand..” 

Their words trailed off, and they exchanged a briel smile 

My hand’s fine, it’s just a fracture. But your shoulder might be more complicated.” 


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