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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 348

Chapter 348 

Lex knew who eith was

She remembered most of the people she had met in Usa, However, it was understandable for a child her age to forget some names from time to time

His name’s not Janies Bond,Sanson patiently connected her

I’m sure Uncle Keith will forgive me. After all, I’m so cute. What’s the big deal if I got is name wrong? Lexi subt 

Not only did Lexi know how to cham Sas, bet she had a way with all men. It was hard to imagine how many hearts she would capture when she grew up. Suddenly, Linda thought of something 

#Samson, when Lexi pets married one day, do you think you’ll be the kind of dat who cries his heart out at her wedding

Samson’s fare fell immediately when he thought about that 

Linda, there are some subjects we really shouldn’t tell about. Let’s drop it” 

As a devoted father, he couldn’t handle the thought of his daughter getting married. The kea of giving her away one day telt like someone was tearing his lassart apart. Lean already see it. When that day comes, you’ll be bawling your eyes out,Laida teased

Her prediction proved spot on many years later

Sansen, aman rarely caught in embarrassing moments, became the subject of family stutles for years to come after sobbing uncontrollably at Lexi’s wedding 

It was, of course, the last time he would ever findhimself in such a state 

Why would you cry?” Lexi asked 

When they were in Usna, james had taken her to a few weddings. Over there, weddings didn’t usually involve tears. Instead, everyone smiled brightly, offering their best wishes as the newlyweds walked down the aisle

But in Cheshire, things were different, Weddings there often had the bride’s parents weeping during the ceremony, overwhelmed by the reality of letting their daughter go 

Lexi had always laughed and smiled at the weddings she attended. It was no surprise she didn’t quite grasp their conversation

Linda said, When you grow up

p, Lex, and you meet someone you love and are ready to get married, you’ll understand.” 

With that, Linda returned to eating her yogurt. She knew it the conversation continued, they might need to call an ambulance because Samson’s heart was already racing at the thought

But I want to stay with Daddy and Mommy forever,Lexi said innocently, meking Samson’s leant

See? Our Lexi knows how to love her daddy the best!He beamed. Daddy will work hard to make lots of money so you can live in luxury your whole life, Lexi.” 

Linda was speechless

As a young girl, Linda had said similar things. But like many childhood promises, they were just words

Back then, she was too young to grasp what love or marriage truly meant. As she grew older and experienced her first crush, the notion of staying by her parentsside forever Laded, replaced by dreams of building a life with someone she loved

Linda wasn’t the kind of mother who would try to control Lexi’s future. All she wanted was for Lexito lindhappiness


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