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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

Luke returned to Osmo a week later and brought Linda a gift

I’m starting to suspect you went on a trip for fun rather than work,Linda said while opening the gift box. in front of Luke to reveal a ceramic ornament

That’s just the nature of my job. You can call me a loafer if you want,Luke replied seriously

Linda knew enough about his work to doubt his words. You still haven’t told me how you know about my family’s situation,” 

Linda was always straightforward. She preferred to address matters directly

Luke leaned back in his chair. I’ll tell you, but can I eat first? I just got off a 15hour flight, and the inflight meal was terrible. I only managed a few bites.” 

Linda sighed. Fine. I’ll take you to eat first.” 

She then headed to a private restaurant owned by Samson’s family

You sure know how to pick places, Luke teased upon seeing the name

Linda played along. Of course! I’m a rich heiress, after all.” 

*Indeed, I should dine out with you more often. Who knows? I might get to eat lavishly,Luke joked.. 

Linda led him to a private room. As long as you don’t mind how much I eat, I’m fine with that.” 

To eat well is a blessing,Luke remarked

But eating too much can make you fat,Linda said as she handed him the menu pad. Nowadays, girls care a lot about their figure.” 

I still think beauty is subjective,Luke commented. Beauty is a way to please oneself. If it’s based on othersstandards, what’s the point? Everyone’s idea of beauty is different. Living by othersstandards can be exhausting.” 

Luke handed the pad back to her and continued, Life is short enough as it is. Living for oneself is hard enough. Why complicate it with unnecessary worries? Isn’t that tiring?” 

His philosophical question left Linda momentarily speechless

Do you really mean what you say?she asked, surprised by his sensible thinking. He seemed genuinely different from other men

Why would I lie to you?Luke said while sipping his coffee

Few men think like you,Linda noted

So far, she knew only him and Samson

Samson was respectful toward women and didn’t exhibit typical male chauvinism. Such normalcy was 



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