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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55
If a needle could drop in the room, it’d be heard.
Westley’s eyes were locked onto Kage’s after his demand. The members – especially those who he had on his side already lowered their heads,
“Uh… Mr. Harper,” One of the members cleared his throat. “Why would you want to do this? I mean, Kage has been a good leader so far
“Sure, no one is disputing the fact. But I don’t see a good reason why we can’t express our feelings. It is in my right as a member of the board to propose to head a project. Naturally, this would come up in a vote, and as long as I get the higher vote, I win. There’ll be no need for an argument. He shrugged.
Finally, Kage cracked a smile. “Really?”
“Yes, really, Kage. Or do you have any objections?”
Kage chuckled. “Well, not really, I understand perfectly what you’re saying, But… He leaned forward, withdrawing some papers from his file “Will it be cool for someone like you to actually lead the project? I mean, your company’s currently being investigated for fraud. He tossed the papers on the table,
The board members gasped, surprise flickering pass their faces. They exchanged glanced as they each took to the papers to
have a look at
Westley’s confident facade had crumpled. He glared at Kage before picking up the papers, and he found it hard believing
what he saw.
“My God! Mr. Harper, is this true?” A member asked. “Your company wasa involved in fraud?”
Westley could not believe it. That was a very confidential matter. Outsiders weren’t supposed to hear of it. How in God’s name did Kage lay the hands such information?
The members continued to throw questions, expressing their shock.
“No. This… It isn’t what you think.” He shook his head.
“Trust me, okay!? This was a misunderstanding. It happened months ago. Someone framed my company, but the issue has already been settled with the authorities, long before now.”
“Oh, really?” Kage c**d a brow. “Doesn’t look like the matter’s been fully closed by the authorities. I think it’s more like you used your connections to keep it on a low for now.”
“That is not true!”. Westley thumped the table, making the contents rattle.
His eyes glared a dangerous red as he looked at the members. “Do I really look like a fraud man to you? You think Westley Harper is capable of commiting fraud?”
“Stop trying to play on our emotions, Wes. You’re falling woefully. Here, we work with facts, not sentiments. Someone like you can’t possibly head such an important project. Now, the only reason you’re still allowed to be a member of this group is because the authorities are yet to finalize on the issue. So, you’re yet to be fully called a criminal. But by the time they’re done and it turns out that you’re indeed, guilty,you’ll be kicked out kf the group.”
“That will never happen!” Westley rose to his feet
Kage’s eyes darkened as he held his gaze, unfalteringly.

15:02 Wed, Oct 9 0 B
Chapter 35
“Is it? Well, how about you try me, Westley? I love challenges. Oh, you probably have no idea.”

Westley took up the papers, thrashing them on the floor. “These are not what you think,” he looked at the members. “I promise you, I’ll go to the authorities and have this sorted out.”
“Sure,” Kage shrugged. “If you can bring proof that the issue has indeed, been settled by the authorities and you were found innocent, then it oxids, Westley, we’ll consider your suggestion about leading the projecL”
Westley’s nose flared in indignation. The issue was indeed a misunderstanding. But Kage knew what he was doing. He was trying to buy some time – probably enough to come up with another scheme.
I’ll get the evidence, he gritted the words before walking out.
Driving out of the place, he placed a call through to Sgivie. She was at the office, but he was able to get her to come out and meet hum in his car.
Getting it in the front seat, Sylvie noticed his foul mood.
“Hey, are you…
Westley didn’t let her finish her question as he grabbed her hair, pulled her towards himself and claimed her lips. It was a forceful one – one that seemed to stem from desperation.
Sylvie was taken by surprise. She tried to stop him but couldn’t. So, she just let him be. When Westley ended the kiss, he still had d his hands in her hair.
Damn it, he wanted her. No doubt, Sylvie was beautiful, intelligent, the kind of girl he wanted. In the beginning, he’d been. naturally attracted to her, but now, he wanted ber more, not just because he found her attractive, but because he wanted what belonged to Kage. He wanted to claim her the babies. He wanted to own what was meant for Kage and hurt him. And he was ready to do anything to achieve that
“I want us to get married. As soon as possible,” he revealed.
Sylvie’s eyes widened in shock. “Woah! What’s with the rush, Wes? You sound like you placed a bet or something.” She chuckled, removing the hand from her hair.
“I’m serious, Sylvie. We’re engaged, right? So, I want to push on with the wedding plans. How about we get married next month?”
Her cheeks turned pink from embarrassment. Good lord, she wasn’t ready for this conversation.
“Takes deep breath, Westley. I think you need to have some sleep and
“No. I’m damn serious, Sylvie. I know what I’m saying.”
She rolled her eyes, looking out the window of the car that had been parked by the side of the road for more than five
She touched her neck. “I can’t. I mean, not right now. You just sound like… you’re under some kind of pressure.”
Westley took her hand. “I’m just scared of losing you, Sylvie. Isn’t that valid? Can’t I get married to my fiancee ’cause I love
Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at him. She couldn’t hold his gaze for long how and had to look away,
Oh, God. Hearing the word love from him. Now and was sure she wasn’t ready.
“Okay, how about I think about it?” She just wanted the topic to end. “I’ll go over it and….
He silenced her with another kiss. This time, Sylvie was more intent on pushing him away, and she did.
“You can’t…be doing that, Westley. Of course, he could! They were enchanted, for God’s sake.
“Why? Is there someone else you’d rather get that from?”
She gaped at him as though 1, he’d said some foolish words. “What’re you…”
“You can take your time, Sylvie.” He released her hand. “It’s line. Just think about it. Okay?”
She nodded, looking away. Something was definitely wrong
with him
“Had lunch yet?” He asked. When she shook her head no, he drove off to a nearby restaurant.


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