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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57
The news hit Kage so hard, for several seconds, he couldn’t process it. The words replayed in his mind, one by one.
Lana was in tears, even as she kept smiling. She fixed the paper into his hand. “I know you can’t believe it. I also couldn’t believe it when the doctor told me. I had to do two more tests. They all came back positive. I’m carrying your baby. Kage. Our baby.
She pulled him into a hug – a hug Kage didn’t respond to. He didn’t know how to respond to anything at all.
Sylvie was pregnant. She shouldn’t be too. He wasn’t prepared for this.
He closed his
is eyes, allowing her hug him. But his mind was flooded with too many thoughts.
His mind drifted to the nights he’d been drunk and slept with her. God, he was such a dick. Now, he was going phobia of getting drunk.
Done with work for the day, Sylvie left to meet Westley. He was in his place and had been seeing a movie in his living room when she entered
“Hey, pretty.” He stood up, pulling out into a hug. “How was work today?”
“Yeah, it was good. Yours?” She dropped it jacket, taking a seat.
The reason she had a jacket on was to cover her bump. But now, they might be no more covering. She was starting to consider Kage’s suggestion of letting others see she was pregnant
“Mine was stressful as hell. Closed some deals today.” Westley replied.
She flashed him a smile. “Congrats.”
After Kage ended their call in the car, he’d called back. But she couldn’t pick up and simply texted him that something came up. Thankfully, he didn’t ask questions.
“I have some questions, Wes” She sat up. He was seated beside her now.
“Please, go on.”
and Kage:
She hesitated a moment before asking, “What’s going on with you and Kage?”
Westley furrowed his brows. “Things have always been going on with me and Kage. What’re you
“No, I think it’s gotten worst. Kage has been acting really funny, and it gets worse when your name is mentioned.”
“Is he threatening you, Sylvie? If you feel threatened, I’d want nothing more than to…”
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Chapter 57
“Of course, he’s not threatening me, Her face was crumpled. To just trying to know what’s going on between my ex
husband and fiance.”

He sighed, rolling his neck. “Well, the thing is he might be a little angrier at me. I filed a motion three days ago with the Group, asking to take over the project.”
Sylvie’s brows furrowed. “Huh?”
“The vote would’ve taken place by now had so
someone not betrayed me and handed Kage some incriminating information about my company. I don’t even know how he came so prepared I believe someone must’ve tipped him off on my plan”
Sylvie’s mouth hung open in disbelief. What? Something that serious was going on?
“But don’t worry, Westley exhaled. “I’m almost done collecting all the evidences I need. By tomorrow, they should be ready. Ill take them to the Group and let Kage know he’s got nothing more on me.”
“Okay. But did you really have to do it? I mean, Kage is already heading the project, right? Isn’t he the one that came up with
“Coming up with it doesn’t guarantee he must lead it. As the Group leader, it is his right and responsibility to come up with new projects, but someone else can lead it”
Good Lord. How, Sylvie understood why Kage had been acting that way. He probably disliked her for being engaged to Westley, but couldn’t fully hate her because she was carrying his babies..
Westley held her hand. I told you I didn’t want you getting involved in our business deals, Sylvie. Leave that to us and just do what you have to do.”
She sighed, looking down at their hands intertwined. “But can’t you just… leave it alone? You know, trying to take it away from Kage might cause some issues and…
“So, what? It’s cool if he takes what’s mine but wrong when I do the same?” He withdrew his hand from hers. “Don’t try to bel bias, Sylvie. Are you saying this ’cause you live with him? You feel he’s the right one?”
“No… Of course, not! What’re you saying?”
“Then, stop defending him. Just stay out of it, okay? I don’t want you involved.”
“Okay, fine. Fine. I get you.” She rolled her eyes.
Westley took several deep breaths to calm himself, “You hungry
He fixed something for her to eat, and after a long time, she headed home.
It was dark already. Getting into the house, Sylvie was surprised to find Kage and Lana at the dining. Lapa was laughing to something, although Kage only had a small smile on his face.
Sylvie froze at the door, wondering if she was starting to imagine things. Was it another symptom of pregnancy?
Yes, Kage and Lana were engaged. Yes, they’ve always been close. But that seeing them that way was strange.
She blinked herself back to consciousness, closed the doors behind her and forced her legs to move
“Hey, Sylvie. You back. Care to join us for a meal? Lana wore a smile.
She paused, seizing another chance to look at them. They looked… happy. And it was strange.
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Chapter 57
“No. You just um… she cleared her throat. “You just go on. I already ate.”
“Oh. At Westley’s, I presume?” Lana still had her smile on.
Sylvie glanced at Kage who had been staring at his meal the whole time.
“Yeah,” she mumbled and left, taking the stairs.
She spent a
longer time in the shower, trying to convince herself that it was normal.
They were engaged. She had dinner with Westley, didn’t she? So, why would she feel weird that Kage was doing the same with his fiancee?
After showering, she tucked herself into bed, forcing herself not to think about it.
In the morning. Sylvie asked the maid to bring her breakfast to her room. She s showered and was ready for work in no time.
But getting downstairs, she was beyond shocked to find Lana in the sitting room, wearing a night gown. Hold on, no! Lana didn’t sleep there, did she?
She was holding a glass of wine and had her attention on the tele. But it didn’t take long before she saw Sylvie,
“Hey, Sylvie. How was your night? Her deceptive smile was on.
Sylvie looked at her and didn’t even know what to say. Bur she hated this tightness in her chest.
Kage joined them immediately, fully dressed for work. A maid followed him with his briefcase.
Lana turned her attention to Kage. “Oh, you ready?”
“Yeah. Standing before him, she straightened his tie. “So, I’ll just leave when I’m done, but I’ll come back later in the evening.”
He took her hands away from his tie. “That’s fine.”
Why in God’s name was Sylvie standing and watching that?
She turned away, opened the door and left-
For a moment, she was tempted to drive herself to work. But she didn’t want to be dramatic. So, she went into their car, took the backseat and tried to distract herself with her phone.
It didn’t take long before Kage joined her.
“Lana spent the night with us.” She nodded. It wasn’t a question. “You know, I could simply move out to give you two some time. How does that sound?”
“We had a deal, Sylvie. You stay with me until the babies are bom. Why should Land’s presence change that?” Kage looked up from his system and asked
“Well, I feel you not spending enough time with her, because of me. So, I wouldn’t want to…”
“You not doing anything. Sylvie. Don’t worry” She smiled, taking her gaze to the window.
Her heart beat faster in her chest. What was wrong with her? She was sure she looked like a freak.
Her phone beeped on her legs. Picking it up, she found a text.
15:02 Wed Oct 9
Chapter 37
Hi. This is Paul’s wife. Ive been trying to get in contact with you, Sylvie. I need to see you? she dropped her address right
Goosebumps. Sylvie’s worry shifted from Kage and dumb Lana to the text in front of her. God, hell no.


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