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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62
She really needed someone to talk to, someone like the father of her babies. But when she reached home that evening, Kage
was still not back.
She waited, not having the zeal to even eat. She kept listening for the sound of the gates opening, but nothing was happening.
Westley called, but he wasn’t the one she wanted to talk to. Her head was messed up already to act normal beside a man who was a possible murderer. It was Kage she needed.
She called Kage severally, but it was either his line wasn’t connecting, or he wouldn’t pick up.
She really needed to talk to him about his aunts. She was losing her mind over it and didn’t know what to do.
It was ten p.m when her call was finally answered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Kage that spoke up
“Yes? What do you want?”
Sylvie’s heart skipped in her chest. Her eyes found the wall clock. He was with Lana by that time?
“You’ve been calling for like a hundred years, Sylvie. Now, your call is finally answered, don’t act like you dumb,” Lana snapped.
Sylvie pinched her brows, her mind too weak to come up with a befitting reply.
“Kage. Where’s Kage! I’ve um…” she looked around, searching for nothing in particular. I’ve been trying to reach him. I haven’t….
“He’s been with me the whole time. I needed his company, and he granted my wish.”
Another skip in Sylvie’s heart. She gulped hard, pulling her sleeping jacket tighter.
“Can I… speak with him?”
“Oh, sorry, love, he’s in the shower, and I’m not sure he’d want to speak to you so late at night. Just give it a rest, Sylvie you’re disrupting a good moment.
The call ended. Sylvie’s heart beeped along with the sound, a lump forming in her throat
For the first time, Sylvie woke up alone in the house.
She got dressed, had breakfast, and drove herself to work.
It was the first time she was being that sad. That alone.
She was going about her normal routine when her office line rang. She was surprised, seeing that it came from Kage’s office.
“Hey. I need the data analysis in my office- now if yo
The call ended.
have it.”
Sylvie’s mind was blank for some seconds, trying to process his words.
Chapter 62
Okay, so he was back. And he didn’t sound like yesterday had lice off. Maybe, that was because she was the one being concerned about it.
She got the files ready, then headed down to his office.
He was on a call when she got in. Sylvie hated how her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. He was well-dressed, of course. She wondered, did he get ready from Lana’s place, or he went horne afterall
She hated that his absence had any effect on her. She hated that he was angry about it.
She dropped the files in front of him, same time the call ended.
He asked a few questions about it as he flipped through, and Sylvie tried her best to sound normal as she answered. The bitterness in her heart was growing each minute he didn’t look at her, and oh, she hated it.
That’ll be all, he dismissed.
She turned to leave. She was close to the door when she paused, turning back to face him. “You didn’t come home last night.”
He looked up from the file, an emotion crossing his face briefly
“Yeah, I slept over at a friend’s place. He answered flawlessly.
It was all Sylvie could do not to scoff. A friend? Lana was a friend?
“I um…” she took a step, her eyes dropping to the floor. “I know you don’t have to report on me, but didn’t you think 40 give me a call? Or take mine, at least?”
“You called?” He was a little surprised.
He didn’t want to be disturbed the previous day and had to put his phone on a Do-not-disturb feature. He had no idea she’d be one of those that’d call. And well, he wasn’t exactly in his talking mode to give her a call.
“It’s fine,” she forced a smile. “You should probably spend some more time with this friend of yours.”
She left.
Returning to her office, her head was a bigger mess than it’d been that morning. He lied to her. Why did he have to lie about, being with Lana? Was it possible they made out and he was maybe, feeling guilty talking about it?
Well, what was her business if they made out? He could sleep with all the girls in the country if he wanted. She wouldn’t care. She shouldn’t care.
She rested her head on the table, forcing herself to remain calm. Her hand found her tummy. Dear God, she was tired.
Maybe it was best she left.
It was going to be one of the best days of Westley’s life. He was done gathering up the evidences on the fraud case to prove he was innocent. Kage wouldn’t have anything on him anymore and there would be no reason to delay the vote.
He’d already called for the meeting the previous day, and it was scheduled to happen today. He was in high spirits.
He gathered his files, then left for it.
He sat at the backseat of his car, making numerous calls. The board members he’d managed it get on his side were still on Of course, none of them would dare betray him, not with what he had on them. The vote will take place, and of course, his votes would be higher.
08:57 Thu, Oct 10
Chapter 62-
He was anxious to get this done already.
However, a minute later, there was an accident one that sent Westley’s car off the road, tumbling off.
During lunch time. Sylvie made use of the company’s cafeteria. She was a little surprised when Westley didn’t ask her for lunch as usual, but she was relieved. At least, she didn’t have to lie to him.
Sylvie was wearing a big dress. With Kage’s latest attitude, she wasn’t sure she was ready to let the whole world know she was pregnant for him. Of course, she wasn’t ashamed of her babies, but she was still quite young and didn’t know much about this.
She had just finished from the cafeteria and was on her way out when she bumped into Lana.
Rolling her eyes, she walked away. But Land followed.
“Can’t believe you ate without me, Lana made a pout,
“You really need to stop with the whole drama, Lana. And stop following me around: She mumbled, not looking at her.
“So many things you want me to do, yet you wouldn’t stop being around Kage.”
Sylvie said nothing.
“But I’m serious. Sylvie, you shouldn’t have eaten without me. You know, you and I, we’re kind of in the same situation now,” Sylvie’s brows furrowed, wondering what she meant. But she wouldn’t dignify her statement with a response.
Lana continued walking with her. “By the way, have you seen Kage? Did you finally eat him? You know, you should enjoy him while you can, Sylvie. Because soon, he’ll he completely mine.”
Sylvie scoffed. “Sometimes, I find you really pathetic. Look at you – desperate for a man like some schoolgirl
Lana laughed.
Reaching the elevator, Lana stopped her when she tried to go in
“Weren’t you
curious when I said we were both in the same situation? What did
think I meant”
Sylvie held her gaze, but she didn’t try to leave again. Now, she wanted to hear it.
Lana’s lips stretched in a smaller as she touched her belly. I’m pregnant, honey for Kage.”


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