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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63
There was a crack, but it was in Sylvie’s heart. Her mask fell off, revealing her shock.
She blinked hard, staring at Lana as though she’d lost her mind. But she hadn’t.
Lana laughed, amused by her surprise. “Don’t tell me Kage didn’t tell you about it yet. Why do you think we’ve gotten so close? He’s been taking care of me, Sylvie. Of our child.”

She inched towards her. “In two weeks, we’ll be getting married. Then, I’ll be his legally pregnant wife. My child will be his legal child. Look around, Sylvie there’s no place for you and he pointed a finger at her belly…those things you think you have there. I hope you can see how you terribly getting in the way of my relationship. But I won’t let you – not anymore.”
With a grin, she turned and left.
Sylvie’s heart was hammering in her chest. It was a hassle getting into the elevator and returning to her office,
Her hands were trembling the whole time.
Tm pregnant, honey- for Kage.”
Lana’s words wouldn’t stop ringing in her cars.
So, that was the reason Kage had been cold towards her. The son of a b***h should’ve just told her instead of going all mute on her.
She tried to force herself to remain calm, but it wasn’t working. She shouldn’t be bothered by this. It was okay if Lana was pregnant. Only problem was, she hated how discarded it made her feel like she truly didn’t have a place in the family.
A tear was rolling down her cheek when a text came into her phone. Sniffling, she saw it was from Westley’s sister, and the content made the air vanish from her lungs.
Westley has been in an accident!
Kage and the others were already at the conference room, waiting for Westley’s arrival. They’ve been waiting for more than thirty minutes, but he still wasn’t there.
“This is unacceptable!” One of them grumped. “He can’t call for a meeting and show up late. I had to cancel serious plans to be here today.”
“His line isn’t connecting, either.” Another said.
“But I find it odd that Westley will be late to a meeting. He’s never been late to any meeting
They continued grumbling, with Kage being one of the few people that said nothing.
Shortly, a lady rushed into the room. She was panting. “Sorry for the intrusion, but it’s about Mr. Harper. He’s been involved in an accident!”
You know that point where you keep going from one bad situation to another? That was the point Sylvie was in. Her predicaments weren’t close to ending.
08:5 Thu,
Chapter 63
She ran into the hospital; asked for directions and found Westley’s family at the corridor, outside a room. They looked
anxious, nervous.
Westley’s sister- Victoria hurried to meet her.
“How’s he?” Sylvie’s heart was in her throat as she asked.
Victoria was in tears. “We don’t know, Sylvie, but we fear he might be in a bad condition. The doctors…” she glanced at the room. “they’re still trying.”
Sylvie had no control over the tears that came rolling down. She was tired of it all. Yes, she had her suspicions about Westley, but it didn’t change the fact that he was still someone she knew,meone she was engaged to.
She forced herself to composure as she waited outside with the rest of his family.
A while later, some members of the Group came over. Sylvie realized they’d heard about the accident and decided to pay
him a visit.
But Westley was still unfit to see anyone, so they joined them in waiting.
“We were waiting for him in a meeting when the news of his accident reached us, she overheard one of them say.
Sylvie was tired and least interested. She just wanted this day to end.
But her attention was more drawh to one of the people that had come over Lincoln. Lincoln was Paul’s brother.
She was a little tensed when he sat next to her on the bench.
“Hey,” his voice was warm. “How’re you holding up?”
Sylvie had only spoken to Lincoln a few times, and just like his brother, he was a very nice man. He was forty years old and was also a member of the One Trillion Group. He and Paul were the only members who were brothers but separately successful
Sylvie felt bad that he was visiting Westley in the hospital when he probably had something to do with his brother’s murder. She imagined how hurt he’ll be if he ever gets to know.
“I’m fine,” she muttered, casting her gaze downward.
“He’ll be fine, you know?” He said reassuringly. “I understand how tough this must be for you.”
Sylvie sniffled, simply bobbing her head. One thing that amused her about Lincoln was the fact that he wasn’t married. With all his looks and wealth, she found it strange that he didn’t start his own family.
Well, not everyone was obsessed with having a family- she thought.
It didn’t take long before the doctor and nurses came out of Westley’s room. They all sprang to their feet, rushing to meet
“How’s he?
“Is he awake?”
“Can we see him?”
*Will he be fine?”
Westley’s family threw numerous questions at him, all at once.
Chapter 63
The doctor let them finish before waving his hands,
“Yes, he’ll be fine.” he replied, looking at their faces. “Although, he sustained some injuries on his knees and other parts of his body, but the goodnews is, they’ll heal up. But the ones on his knees will make him momentarily immobile—
They gasped, their faces paling
“But it’s only going to be for a couple of weeks. He’ll be fine, trust me.” The doctor quickly added.
Sylvie sighed, pinching her brows. Oh, God. Westley would have to be in a wheelchair?
“C—Can we see him?” His mother asked.
“Yes. He’s awake now. But try not to bring up stressful conversations
They went in, finding Westley weakly laying in bed. His head was bandaged around his arm, his legs. It was surprising he was
even awake.
His family spent the next couple of minutes, bawling over what bad happened. Sylvie’s heart broke at the sight of his condition. How could this happen?
“Kage is a bigger b**d than I thought, Eleonor wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I can’t believe he’d go this far just to stop
“Wh-What’re you talking about? Sylvie scoffed.
Victoria looked at her. “Didn’t you know? Today was the day they were supposed to vote at the Group meeting. At first, he tried to delay him with some ridiculous fraud allegations. Westley finally gathered the necessary evidences today and was on his way to the meeting when the accident occured. Now, he’s temporarily immobile and wouldn’t be act for the meantime. Guess who’s benefiting from this?” Her face was twisted with rage
Sylvie’s mind was blank, her heart pounding faster in her chest. She looked at Westley and shook her head. No, Kage couldn’t possibly do that to him.
She closed her eyes, wanting to scream. Why were all the men in her life messed up?
“Sylvie,” Westley’s voice reached her ears. His voice carried the weight of his pain.
He extended his hand to her, and slowly, she went forward and took it. He closed his hands around hers, holding it tight.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he spoke weakly. “Just stay around. Okay?”
She nodded, gulping down her sob.
She hated such moments. She hated that she was so confused. Westley was possibly the one that had killed Paul. Yet, there she was torn between caring for him and staying away from a murderer.

“Just get better,” she sniffed. “That’s all we all want.”


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