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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68
“What?” She looked perplexed and frustrated as she turned to him.
was just… asking your opinion, Sylvie. He sighed. “Do you think it’s a…good idea, getting married to Lana?”
She stared longer at him, scoffing. “Why would you even ask me that?” She shook her head. “It’s your life, Kage. You love her. So, go get married” She continued walking.
Hey! I know you’ve always been a brat and we’ve almost never been a perfect pair, but I’m serious here!” He was a little angry now. “So, when I’m talking to you – you don’t just walk away like I’m daft.”
She stopped, taking a little longer before turning around to meet him.
“What do you want from me, huh?” She retraced her steps to him, her eyes burning. “You treated me like trash while we were married. Now, you want my opinion about the next lady you get inarried to? If you ask me, I’d say toj remain single. Because nobody deserves your kind of person. Oh, wait. Lana does,”
Kage grabbed her wrist, his grip almost painful. She winced, glaring at the hands.
“You sound like I was the only jerk in our marriage. How were you any better, Sylvie? Did you ever try to act cool with me?
you ever show me you cared? Or tried to to pretend at least?”
“What are you, crazy? How was I supposed to show it to you when you kept late nights and always had this grumpy look on like I was the cause of your problems? The few times I tried talking to you, you shut me out!”
“Yeah, few times about talking business, right? Or am I missing something?”
Sylvie was silent.
investment. Or more “The only time you came to talk to me was when it had to do with your father’s company, or an money. You seriously thought I wouldn’t get bored of listening to you say the same thing over and over without saying what I hope you’d say?”
Sylvie opened her mouth to argue, then realized he was right. The only times she ever brought up conversations was when it had to do with business and money.
“Well, sorry but I believe our marriage was based on those factors. You were supposed to provide financial support to my family. She defended, even though it sounded stupid.
“Yeah. So, you treated it like a contract marriage, I did same. Yet, I’m the one who gets called a jerk”
Looking at him, she shook her head, then snatched her wrist away. “What do you want with me, Kage? What exactly do you
He stared at her, the words coming to his mind, but not out of his mouth. How could he possibly say such words to the stubborn brat?
But that was what he’d always liked about Sylvie. Her stubbornness, how quickly she was to respond with wits, the fact that she couldn’t be intimidated. And her face. She had a gorgeous face.
“If you had another chance, would you stop me from getting married to Lana?” He let it out.
Her blood froze. Her eyes widened in shock, and it was as though, the very air around her had turned to frost.
For a long time, her eyes were on him Was that Kage? Or there was someone else impersonating him?
“Why would 1-” she chuckled. “Why would I want to stop you from=”
08:58 Thu, Oct 10
Chapter 68
“Maybe because you care? His voice was sharper, indicating his patience was wearing thin.
Kage wasn’t good with confessions.
“I don’t-” She shook her head. “I don’t think I understand.”
“Well, I never thought I’d be saying this to you either, Sylvie. So, could you skip the whole drama and give me an answer?”
But Sylvie couldn’t. How could she when it was coming at a very wrong time?
Silence stretched between them, getting uncomfortable.
“Kage. I’m… I’m getting married to Westley.
“And I’m getting married to Lana. Yet, I’m asking you a question here.”
She wagged her head, stepping away. She couldn’t believe this-
I’m sorry, I…I need to go.”
She turned around, and this time, she walked faster into the house.
Kage simply watched her, short of words.
Lana continuously stared at the gate, waiting for Kage’s car. She’d arrived at his place an hour ago and had been calling him, but his line wasn’t reachable.
She was nervous- more nervous than she’d ever been.
Finally, he returned. The look in his face when he stepped out of the car told her something was wrong. Lancelot couldn’t have met with him, had he? He told her she had three days.
She welcomed him, told him she’d been waiting. But he barely even looked at her.
“I was thinking we could make our wedding a little sooner, Kage, What do you think?” She asked with a nervous smile as she followed him up the stairs.
Kage’s brows furrowed as he stopped walking, glancing at her. “What soon are you talking about? Our wedding’s in six days.” “I know. I know. But I was thinking we could make it happen, let’s say in three days?”
His surprise deepened. “Did you have something to drink?”
She laughed, not quite from her stomach. “I was just
“I’m tired, Lana. I need to sleep.” He walked off.
Lana fisted her hands beside her. For fuck sake, this wasn’t good. There was no way she could say those gibberish to Kage. He’d never forgive her for sleeping with someone like Lancelot. And if he thought that there was a possibility that the child was Lancelot’s, there was no way he’d be going through the wedding. She’d be doomed
Sylvie could hardly get a wink of sleep the entire night as Kage’s words tormented her. She woke up with heavy eyes, and a throbbing head. She had to take some meds.

08:58 Thu, Oct 10
Chapter 68
Long stare i
Before leaving the room, she gave one long stare in the mirror. Today was different, because it was the day she got to finish with her contract with Kage.


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