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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72
Slowly, he lifted a finger to her hair, stroking it. Sylvie kept her weeping gaze lowered to the floor.
“I do hope you can forgive me.” He cooed. “I wasn’t so wrong for loving you, was I?”
Moments passed. Sylvie was still weeping.
Using his fingers, he wiped the tears from her face.
“I… I don’t know what to say.” She whimpered.
She couldn’t imagine how difficult it must’ve been for him, loving someone who didn’t feel the same way about him. And that was the truth.
Sylvie had never really loved Kage. He was handsome, dreamy, but she’d only seen him as a bully who hurt her. Nothing
She was always harsh towards him, just as he was. And it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that her heart started fluttering every time she saw him.
Seconds passed between them. She was torn with indecision. But it all changed when Kage pressed his lips against hers. Then slowly, he captured her tongue.
Electricity seemed to course between them, seizing all the breaths from Sylvie’s chest.
And right there, she realized she’d been wrong. It was months ago when she started seeing him differently. Which was the reason on that very night—the night she claimed he raped her it was somewhat different.
She hadn’t exactly tried to fight him off. He’d been drunk, and there was no way she couldn’t have overpowered him if she wanted. But a part of her had been reluctant, and that part of her willingly gave herself to him.
Heat coursed through her as Kage kissed her hurriedly. She kissed him back without thinking, sending her fingers into his
God, it was the best kiss she’d ever had. Kage tasted of mint and cola. She didn’t want it to end.
He sent his hand to her waist, moving it slightly until it was touching her baby bump. That was when she moaned so deeply.
It was the first time he was touching it, and it was the best feeling ever.
Then, in a second, her senses snapped back. She jumped away from the kiss, her fingers brushing against her soft, wet lips.
She looked at Kage, her heart pounding in her chest. God, this didn’t feel right.
Kage looked at her, his eyes hungry for more. But Sylvie stepped back.
“I’m sorry, I… I have to go.” She hurriedly left before he could do anything to stop her.
As expected, Sylvie couldn’t get a wink of sleep through the night. Kage’s confession and the kiss kept messing with her head, making her toss endlessly.
She woke up feeling slightly feverish but stayed in her room all morning. She couldn’t afford to go out and see him.
Even when the maids came over to call her down for breakfast, she asked them to bring it to her room
Chapter 72
Her mind was racing the whole time. And when someone knocked on her door, her heart jumped into her throat.
the knock came-it could only be one person.
She hesitated a little before getting the door, wiping her nervously sweaty hands against her sides.
He was standing there-looking good in a tuxedo suit. Was it just her eyes, or did he look different that morning? Perhaps, more handsome?
And he smelled edible too.
“Hi.” He broke the silence. His eyes roamed around her. “How’re you doing?”
Sylvie nodded, tucking some strands of hair behind her car. She hoped her nervousness wasn’t too obvious.
“I didn’t want to leave without seeing you. So…”
“Hope your day goes well.” It was as though she was trying to dismiss him.
If Kage noticed, he didn’t show it. “If you need anything, you just let any of the maids know. And I’m only a phone call away.”
She smiled. Sure, I’ll do that.”
He stared at her a little longer before turning away to leave.
“Kage,” Sylvie found herself calling. God, she should’ve just let him go.
Kage found himself turning, his eyes beaming with curiosity.
“Um… about last night.” She gulped down the lump in her throat, her eyes falling to the floor. Of course, how could she look him in the eyes while saying such words?
“I need you to know I’m sorry. Sorry I didn’t… notice your feelings for me. But you must understand that you didn’t communicate them the right way either.” She gave a subtle chuckle, and Kage simply smiled. “But you’ve always been arrogant, so I understand.
“I just think it must’ve been horrible for you.” She finally looked at him. “I wanted to let you know I’m sorry.”
His gaze lingered on her. “The last thing I need from you, Sylvie is an apology. It’s all in the past, No doubt, I’ve been an a***, but I’ve been ing to move things to the present.”
Sylvie’s heart skipped at the new topic. She still wasn’t ready to discuss that. She didn’t know what her response was going to
“We’ll talk better when you return.” Now she really wanted to dismiss him.
He nodded. “Take care of yourself.”
Sylvie exhaled deeply once she was alone in the room. She kept staring at the window and was most relieved when she saw Kage driving out.
Thank goodness. She took a deep breath, falling into the bed.
It was
late into the day when Sylvie got a call from her father. And instantly, all the butterflies Sylvie had running through. her stomach since her conversation with Kage fluttered and died
Her father was crying on the phone.
08:50 Fri, Oct 11
Chapter 72
“Our company’s been closed down, Sylvie. They’re investigating us for fraud.”
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Sylvie’s heart was in her throat as she hastily got dressed and ran out of the house. In thirty minutes, she was outside the company where the authorities had it locked down.
Her sisters were there as well. Her father was seated on the pavement while some of their staff discussed with the authorities.
Sylvie rushed over to meet her father. “Dad. What’s going on?”
There was a bit of relief in his face when he saw her. Painfully, he narrated everything to her-stating it was from a past transaction that had gone wrong. But it was over two years ago, and he felt somebody might have dug it up.
Sylvie tried speaking with the authorities, but they wouldn’t listen and told her they could only open up when they were done with their investigations and if it turned out to be a misunderstanding.
Sylvie didn’t know how to comfort her father. The company had always meant the world to him. The things she’d done because of it…
In the midst of the chaos, a call came through on her phone. It was an unknown number. Sylvie almost ignored it, but then she changed her mind and answered.
“Hello, Sylvie.” The voice almost made her retch.
She looked around, wondering if the caller was there somehow. She didn’t see anyone.
She walked away, heading to a quiet corner.
“How do you find our little gift?” Elizabeth teased.
Sylvie closed her eyes, her hand f***g beside her.
When her father first called, the Hawkins had flashed through her mind. Sh they’d really act on them.
remembered their threats; she just didn’t think
“You know, there are many more where that came from.”
“What have I done to you?” She asked shakily, her heart racing.
“Beauty without brains. You should be smart enough to know what you’ve done.”
Sylvie glanced at her father, who was in pain.
“Why won’t you leave me alone?” She snapped into the phone, forcing her voice not to go higher. “Kage is getting marked to Lana. Why won’t you just let me be?”
“Kage will not be getting married to Lana if you don’t let him be!” she rasped. “Now, listen carefully, girl: using our influence, your father’s case will be closed and his company released in three days. This is to show you how far we’re willing to go and how easy it’ll be to bring you down. You have three days to get out of Kage’s apartment. If you don’t, then you’ll have yourself to blame for what happens next.”
Sylvie shook her head, unable to believe it.
“And one more thing,” Elizabeth’s voice came again. “Don’t even make the mistake
give you one major hit before he gets the chance to ask us to stop.”
The call ended.
of telling this to Kage. Otherwise, we’ll
It was all Sylvie could do not to crumple to her knees. But she suddenly felt weak, so weak she feared she might collapse.
Chapter 72
Dread recoiled in her stomach.
You have three days to get out of Kage’s apartment-Elizabeth’s words rang in her head.
She had to leave Kage? At a time like this?
She laughed at how cruel fate was to her.


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