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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74
Eventually, the thoughts of Lancelot and Lana left her mind, leading her back to the fact that her life was a mess.
When she left the bar-without getting a drink-she couldn’t think of going home. Westley’s place wasn’t an option either, she still wasn’t comfortable around him.
She drove to the bridge, parked her car somewhere, and walked on foot down the bridge. Somehow, staring at the water gave her peace.
Her phone rang in her back pocket, but she couldn’t pick it up, knowing it was Kage. He’d been calling for a long time now. Probably, he was home and wondering where she went.
Home. She needed to leave ‘home.’
Since she was through with her contract with Kage, perhaps it’d be best if she left the country as planned. She tried not to think of her father and the fact that he might get kicked out of the One Trillion Group. Hell, if his company gets shut down like the Hawkins were threatening, he won’t even have a business to fall back on.
It was best she left. The thought tormented her, but she had to start putting her babies first.
Kage and Lana would be married by the weekend. Although his words the previous night had changed the way she felt about him, it didn’t change the fact that it was too late for them. She and Kage… they could never be together.
Sylvie found a bench to sit on, close to the beach. She could still see the waters. She stayed there for a long time, until she wasn’t alone anymore. Kage showed up.
She was almost surprised, until she remembered he still had her followed. That was probably how he’d gotten to know where she was.
It was crazy that she was always being followed by a guard.
“Hey! I’ve been calling and texting! You got me almost worried!” He wasn’t pleased.
Looking at him now, her heart ached. Kage was truly handsome. If she had known better, she’d have appreciated him more when they were married. When he was still hers.
She looked away, willing her tears to go back. “I needed to be alone.”
Seconds sed, then Kage sat next to her.
The proximity was almost killing Sylvie. She couldn’t do this.
“I heard what happened to your father,” he began.
Yes, you heard right. It was done by your family, thanks-she almost said aloud.
“I need you to know I’m looking into it already. I’ve already gotten in contact with….”
Sylvie closed her eyes, shutting him out. She really didn’t want to hear it.
She was tired of it all.
“Sylvie!” His voice snapped her back to the present. Turned out her mind had drifted
He held her hand. “I need you to stop thinking. You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Like hell, she will.
08:51 Fri, Oct 11.
Chapter 74
Sniffling, she stood up.
“I have to go, she mumbled, looking away from him.
Kage stood up with her.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
“No, Kage. I want to be alone.”
He scoffed. “Now, what in hell are you talking about? It’s late, Sylvic. Where do you possibly want to go?”
“I don’t know! But I just know that I need to be alone!” She yelled out in frustration.
Her eyes glistened with tears, but she prayed they wouldn’t start rolling down. She wasn’t going to let them.
“I’m just tired of everything!” She raised her hands. “Alright? I’m… I’m tired, and I want to be alone.” She started walking
Kage was in disbelief. “You sound like what happened with your father is my fault.”
Of course, it is-Sylvie wanted to yell out as she stopped walking. Everything has always been your fault.
She closed her eyes, a tear finally rolling down. “I’ve never been lucky, okay? And right now, I desire to be alone. Please, don’t make this an issue. Just stay away

She left. This time, Kage didn’t utter a word or try to stop her. He was tired-tired of always having to chase her, tired of always being in an argument with her. He was angry!
Sylvie found a hotel to stay in. She cried for several hours. She couldn’t have Kage. No matter how good he looked and how much she was beginning to fall for him, he could never be hers.
She woke up late the following day to a series of calls and messages-mostly from Westley.
She freshened up, had something to eat, and then reached out to Westley. He was relieved when she called.
They greet
he asked after her night and why he’d been unable to reach her, she found something soothing to say but didn’t tell hin she was in a hotel.
“You heard what happened to Lancelot? Who could’ve done that to him?” He suddenly asked.
The exhaustion Sylvie had been feeling vanished. Huh?
“Wh… What happened to him?” She furrowed her brows.
“You haven’t heard? Kage should’ve told you. Aren’t you two together?”
“Kage hasn’t been home. Just tell me, Wes, what happened?”
“Well, he got shot.
The news hit Sylvie like a blow. Her mouth fell open, her eyes going wide.
“What!? Shot? By who?” She exclaimed.
08:51 Fri, Oct
Chapter 74
“No idea. It happened on his way back from the gym this morning. I think it was a shot to his head. I don’t think anyone’s surviving that.”
Sylvie’s appetite vanished at once. It was unbelievable! Did that mean Lancelot was dead? Someone killed him!
They all panicked outside the room-Lancelot’s parents and other relatives. But Kage wasn’t there.
Some of the women were in tears, and it looked like their hearts would fail them if the doctors confirmed their fears.
He was rushed in after the shot and was undergoing surgery.
He’d have been dead already had the bullet not narrowly missed his brain. According to the first doctor that had addressed them, it was a miracle and situations like that were very rare.
“I’m going to kill whoever did this,” his mother cried in her husband’s chest. “I’ll find them, and I’ll kill them myself.”
They were all inconsolable.
After what felt like an eternity, one of the doctors finally emerged. They rushed to him with a thousand questions all at once.
“Calm down. Calm down. He’s out of danger.” His response was the only reason they stopped talking but sighed instead. Series of relieved sighs.
“For now, at least,” he added.
“What do you mean for now?” They asked, their worry returning with full force.
“I mean, he’s not dead yet. The surgery was successful, the bullet was removed, but he’s still in a critical condition. I’m afraid he might be unconscious for some time,” the doctor explained.
“Are you trying to say he’s in a coma!?”
“Yes, sir. You need to understand that your son still being alive is a miracle. Gunshot wounds to the head are seventy-five percent fatal. It was a narrow escape. For now, we do not know how long it’ll take him to recover, or if he’ll even recover at all. But we must have hope.”
His answer wasn’t good enough, but it was better than their son being dead.
They kept asking him questions, while praying to God he makes it alive.


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