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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95
The week that followed was haunting for Lana. She kept up with more alcohol, less food and didn’t even go for her scheduled checkups.
Despite how badly she wanted to believe everything would be fine, a part of her knew she was lying. Lancelot’s return couldn’t mean well for her.
For one week, she kept dreading and anticipating his confrontation. And finally, he did.
She was in a deep slumber that afternoon when her phone rang. There was an empty bottle of alcohol on the floor beside her bed, while she laid carelessly.
It took her a minute to gather herself, then take the call when the unknown number called for the second time.
“Hello?” Her voice came out sleepy.
“Missed me?”
Her eyes widened when she heard the voice. She sat up instantly the remnants of sleep and drowsiness quickly abandoning her.
Her grip tightened around the phone; her tongue was too heavy to get any more words out.
“Oh, I’m sure you did.” He laughed. “Well, we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we? I need you to come over to Ember and Vine in one hour. Not even a minute late, and I mean it, Lana.” He ended the call.
Lana’s heart was in her throat. For several minutes, she was frozen in bed, her heart racing in her chest as though, it was being chased.
A while later, she was dressed despite how difficult it had been. She had selected the clothes at random and didn’t put color into consideration.
She ran to her mother’s room, telling her what had happened.
“Okay? And what do you want me to do?” Rebecca asked. She was standing in her closet, sorting her things.
“Mum, come on! I need your help. I don’t…I don’t know, anything at all! What can we do in this situation?”
“We?” Rebecca looked at her. “Did you say ‘we’?” She burst out laughing.
The sound of her laughter cut through Lana’s heart, amplifying her pain.
“Well, I’m sorry darling, but there’s no ‘we. I spent four months in jail because I was trying to fight for you; to fix your mess. And what did I get in return? Blames and ungratefulness.”
She turned back to her collections of jewelry. “I’m not making the same mistake. From now on, you fight your battles yourself.”
Lana was dumbstruck for a moment.
“M…Mum, please. I… I know I messed up, but I was just being scared. I don’t know what to do now.”
And neither do I! I wasn’t the one who slept with two brothers within the same time frame!” Her voice rose a notch. “Just go fix your mess yourself, Lana. I don’t want to be disturbed.”
Lana’s tears fell freely. She gave her mother a long stare, but the woman wasn’t changing her mind.
Chapter 95
Sniffling, she wiped hertears and left to fight her battles alone.
She met Lancelot at the restaurant he’d given. But fortunately, he was in the garden which was private with just him in it.
He smiled as she approached. “Oh, I’ve definitely missed you.”
Lana was disgusted having to be near him. She was even more disgusted with herself for ever sleeping with him. He may good-looking, but Lana would chose an animal over him at this point.
She kept her gaze low when she reached the table.
“Hmm.” Lancelot accessed her. “Pregnancy sure looks good on you. Are you as curious as I am to meet the baby?”
It was all Lana could do not to glare at him.
She attempted to take one of the seats surrounding the table.
“Uh-uh. Never said you could sit.” He wagged a finger.
She stared at him in disbelief. The son of a b***h.
Huffing, she dropped her purse on the table and crossed her arms.
“So tell me, Lana,” he sipped from his glass of milkshake. “What was your reaction when you heard I survived the gunshot?”
Lana glanced at the stitched spot by the side of his head. The b***rd had really survived it.
“Well, just like everyone else, I was relieved.”
“Really?” He laughed. “How about your mother? She shared the same sentiments? Because from what I heard, she tried to kill
“She didn’t. A nurse did, and she’s in jail for it. The court already settled-”
“Don’t f***g lie to me, b***h!” He slammed his hands on the table.
Lana jumped back in fright, her eyes burning with wrath.
Reflecting the pain and terror he’d passed through, Lancelot was so close to strangling her.
“A very thin line separated me from death, b**h,” he gritted. “I understand that I held your secret, but was it worth my life? I could’ve been dead!”
Lana dug her nails into her palms. “I didn’t try to kill you. Why would I do that?”
Lancelot’s face was threatening until his lips stretched into a smile. “You didn’t. Right?”
He took a longer drag through the straw in the milkshake. “Well, too bad the wedding didn’t pull through. And…” He took another drag. “We’ll be having another guest.”
Lana knit her brows in puzzlement. She was about questioning him about it when she heard footsteps.
She quickly turned, and her heart sank into the very pit of her stomach when she found Kage approaching.
“Oh,” Lancelot chuckled. “He’s here already.”
If Lana could have one wish fulfilled, she’d wish the ground could open up and swallow her whole.
12:47 Sun, Oct 20 ti ww
Chapter 95
Or maybe it already did and she was no longer living. She just didn’t know it.
Kage was as perplexed as she was as he walked towards the table. He’d been in the office when Lancelot reached out, asking him to meet him there. Of course, Kage didn’t give a *****t about Lancelot and had initially declined, but when he insisted it was important and had to do with Lana, he decided to give it a try.
Now, as he approached the table, he couldn’t help but wonder why Lana was present.
“Welcome, brother. We’ve been waiting.” Lancelot said with a wide smile.
Lana swallowed dryly, turning to Lancelot. “What’re you doing?”
“Me? Oh, nothing serious. Just trying to make sure you two get along well.”
“What’s going on?” Kage demanded in a bored tone. He looked at Lana. “Why are you here?”
Her smile was so fake and nervous, even a toddler would be able to tell it was fake. “Uh… nothing serious. Lancelot simply called me over to discuss some-
“Oh, don’t lie!” Lancelot chipped in. “Look, brother, I know you don’t owe me any favors, but I’m doing this for you. Are aware Lana and I had sex a month before she became pregnant?


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