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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96
The walls of Lana’s heart shattered, leaving behind a pain that rah deep. Her stomach flipped, and suddenly, she wanted to throw up.
Kage’s mask fell off, revealing a paled face. His brows were furrowed as he slid his gaze between Lana and Lancelot.
“Yup! So, when I learned she was pregnant, I confronted her like a gentleman, wanting to know if the baby was mine. I simply asked her to discuss it with you, but guess what she did?” He took a sip from his drink, then pointed at the stitch in his head. “She shot me in the head!”
If Lana had to look any paler, she might as well be a ghost. Air abandoned her lungs as she stared fearfully at Lancelot, finding it hard to breath.
“I’m sorry it had to come out this way, bro.” He stood up. “But I figured you should know since I don’t know when next I’ll be getting a bullet in the head.”
Lana shook her head, her eyes drawn to the floor. “He’s lying.”
Lancelot pulled a hurt face. “Am I? Do I need to bring up the texts we exchanged after that spectacular night at the hotel?”
“Shut up!” Tears made their way down.
She turned to Kage, her lips shaking. “Please, Kage, I promise you, this baby is yours. I’d never have a child for this monster.” “Oooh. Now, I’m a monster? Well, why don’t you go ahead and tell him how coincidental it was that your mother tried to kill me while I was unconscious?”
“That wasn’t my mother’s doing! The court already settled it. The nurse was found guilty.”
But it was all making sense to Kage. Something deep in his guts had told him there was some truth to what the nurse had said; he just couldn’t pinpoint why Rebecca would want Lancelot dead. But with this, it made sense.
He felt betrayed. Wounded. To think he’d almost gotten married to Lana while she was pregnant with another man’s child? His d*** of a brother, as a matter of fact? And how could she have slept with Lancelot when they were already making plans for their wedding?
Lana tried to go to him,,to touch him, but he stepped back, as though her touch would burn him. The coldness in his eyes hurt Lana more than Lancelot’s words did.
“Kage, please…” she whimpered. “Don’t listen to him.”
Seconds passed, the saft sound of her cries filling the space.
“Just tell me the truth, Lana,” Kage finally spoke. “Did you sleep with him?”
She broke into tears, the words too heavy to let out.
“Tell me the truth!” He snapped, his eyes reddening around the edges. “Did you f***g sleep with him!?”
Lana hesitated for a heartbeat before she replied painfully. “I’m so sorry.””
That was the confirmation. Kage’s rage simmered to a boil.
“It was a one-time mistake, Kage. And I swear, this child is yours. Please, please, don’t listen to him.”
But Kage was done having any of it. He turned around, walking away.
12:48 Sun, Oct 20 tu
Chapter 96
Lana ran after him. “Kage, please! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!”
She caught up with him and held his hand. But with a forceful move, he shoved her back. He didn’t want to hurt her, but if she continued being around him….
His words dripped with disdain as he spoke. “I don’t ever want to see you again. Stay far away from me, Lana. When the child is born, I’ll come over for a paternity test before further conversations can be held.”
“No!” Lana dropped to her knees. She didn’t know what else to say,
Kage cast a disdainful look at Lancelot who stood behind with a smug smile on his face. The b***d! To think Lana had given him the chance to get at him.
His nose wrinkled as he turned and walked away, a hole in his chest.
Kage couldn’t go back to the office and went home instead. Fortunately for him, Sylvie was home.
He explained everything to her, which came as a very big shock. But she confirmed the accusations to be true and told him of the day she’d seen Lancelot and Lana arguing in the bar, a day before he was shot.
Sylvie comforted him, but as she did, her own heart was filled with fear. Lancelot had gone for Lana already. What if she was next?
The following day, her fears did happen.
She was seeing a movie with Kage in the living room when an unknown number called her.
She took the call and was startled when she heard the familiarly frightening voice. “Hi, Sylvie.”
She ended the call before she could think. But luckily, when Kage looked at her, she’d managed to dispell the paleness on her face.
“Who was that?” He asked with less seriousness.
“Just my dad.” Sylvie forced a smile. “I’m sure he has something new to complain about.” She stood up. “I’ll be back.”
She ignored the back pain as she made her way up the stairs, into the bedroom. The dirty rat.
He was already calling again by the time she reached the room. Sylvie took several deep breaths before taking the call.

“That was a little harsh, you know? Ending the call like that.”
“What do you want?” She bit the words out.
“Woah! Calm down, will you? I thought you’d be a bit happier to hear from me.”
“Well, I’m not. And I’d rather not have this conversation with you.”
“Oh, why’s that? You’re that invested in Kage?”
Her hand balled into a fist by her side.
“Anyway, I need us to meet up. Meet me at the location I’ll text you tomorrow.” Lancelot added so casually, as if they were in a relationship and it was his right.
Chapter 96
Irritation filled Sylvie up. He mere thought of being in the same space with him made her want to retch.
“Why? Whatever you have to say, you can say it over the phone!
He laughed. “As much as I love to hear you argue, you’re in no position to make demands, honey. Now, rest up for now, go back to being with Kage. But don’t be late tomorrow.”
Sylvie opened her mouth to protest, but the call had already ended.
Sylvie’s night was horrible. She kept turning in bed, worrying over what Lancelot would want to say to her.
She woke up with heavy eyes by morning, which bothered Kage. But when he asked, she blamed her lack of sleep on the hormones.
She was struggling to have breakfast with Kage when her phone lit up with a text. Her mind already told her what it was before she checked, and… what!? He wanted them to meet in an hotel!?
“Are you alright? I know the hormones can be frustrating sometimes, but you seem… bothered.” Kage asked as she walked him to his car-a routine she’d gotten used to.
Staring into his face-his perfectly charming face-Sylvie tried to imagine what his reaction would be if he learned the truth. He’d never forgive her, no matter how hard she begged.
Kage had a terrible temper and attitude to those he disliked. The thought of being hated by him ‘again’ filled her with so much dread she wanted to cry.
God, she couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t lose him.
“I’m fine,” she managed to say, her throat constricting.
Kage gave her a lingering look, then kissed her cheek.
“I’ll check on you later, okay?” He cooed.
“Yeah, sure.”
He entered into his car but stopped his driver from closing the door just yet. “Maybe you should go shopping with Cindy or any one of your friends. You can—*
“Seriously, don’t worry, Kage.” Sylvie chuckled this time. “I’ll be fine. Just get to work.”
Three months ago, Kage had given his black card to her, giving her unlimited access to spend as much as she wanted from
his account.
His eyes still held concern despite her assurance.
“Take care, then.”
The door went closed.
At the agreed time-which was one p.m-Sylvie was on her way to the location Lancelot had texted.
Before then, she’d tried getting him to choose a different meeting point, but the swine had refused.
Her palms were sweaty as she knocked on the door. Almost immediately, he opened up-wearing black pants but shirtless.
12:48 Sun, Oct 20
Chapter 96
Her stomach recoiled from the sight.
“Hey, love.” He gave his usual flirtatious smile, one Sylvie hated with so much passion now.
His eyes beamed as they rested on her bump. “Wow! That is quite a size. Regardless, you look beautiful, Sylvie. Please, do
come in.”
He stepped aside while Sylvie grudgingly walked in.


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