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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 253

I knew Ming would be a good husband and father.


“You are my best choice, but...” I looked at Ming and hesitated before I said, “you’re fine. I want to completely forget him and accept you, or it will be unfair to you.”

He wore glasses with transparent frame, and his face was still gentle. He heard my words and smiled at me.

He didn’t seem surprised by what I said.

He reached out and held my hand. The warm temperature passed to me through his palm. He shook his head gently. “I don’t force you to put me first. I just want to be by your side. You don’t have to put too much pressure on yourself.”

“You’re always like that, so I want to put you first.”

I said to Ming.

I was not a kid anymore. I was over thirty this year.

How could I not understand to give love to the worthy?


After that day, Sean really never contacted me again.

A week later, David and I had an early morning meeting and I was going to go to my cubicle to continue with the design.

Because I was only in charge of this project and York Design Institute had very few offices.

In the end, I had only a small area and they didn’t give me a special office.

Most of the time I didn’t care but I couldn’t concentrate when there were many people.

When I took the meeting materials to the office door, I saw several designers standing at the door and looking at the office and whispering.

“What’s the matter?”

I walked over and looked into the office.

I saw a person sitting in front of my computer!


Why was he here?

He was obviously waiting for me!

If I didn’t go there, he wouldn’t leave.

I had no choice but to go there. I stood at my desk and asked Sean, “President Jessop, what can I do for you?”

Sean looked around and looked up. “Are you doing the design here?”

His expression was not as emotional as before. When he talked to me, he looked serious.

My heart calmed down a little. I nodded, “yes.”

He nodded and stood up. He put his hands in his pocket and said, “I’ve got a temporary studio for you. It has two floors. You can live on the second floor and work on the first floor. You can live there during this project.”

“No, President Jessop.” I refused immediately.

Sean took two steps out. When he heard me refuse, he was not surprised at all. He stopped and said to me, “this club is very important to me. You are the most important designer. You are the guarantee of the success of the whole project. For the sake of the project, you should have such treatment.”

“President Jessop, I can also...”

“OK, then I’ll get rid of all these people and let you use this office alone.”

I wanted to say no but Sean’s words stopped me.

York Architecture and Landscape Design Institute was located in the center of York.

At the same time, it was a little old and small.

If he drove these designers away, they would have nowhere to live.

I had no choice but to compromise. “I’ll go there.”

I packed my things, and Sean asked his people to take the computer and materials away for me.

Two hours later, I moved from York Architecture and Landscape Design Institute to the studio Sean prepared for me.

It was a great studio. It was a two story building next to York Public Park.

It was not big, but it was well lit.


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