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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 257

“No.” I lay there and felt familiar.

I knew if I compromise a little at this time.

What would happen next would be unthinkable.

“Give me some time. I’ll divorce Cindy. We will never be separated again.”

Sean hugged me tightly.

His tone was familiar. It was a pity that stupid I would never come back.

“President Jessop, I’m Becky.”

I said word by word.

I told myself over and over that I couldn’t do it!

I could never compromise.

Once I was absurdly between Molly and Sean.

Now I didn’t want to go back to that ridiculous past.

Sean didn’t seem to understand me. He held me and said to me, “it doesn’t matter who you are. I know you are you. That’s enough.”

I was I?

Sean, you were wrong.

I was not me for a long time.

But I didn’t say it. I was held by him. Our strength was very different.

I knew I couldn’t resist if he wanted to.

So I lay there, “President Jessop, if you want to rape me, I can’t resist. But I will call the police and accuse you of rape.”

Sean had been teasing me.

He kept my body in a state where it could start at any time.

But when I said that, he stopped and looked at me.

It was almost six o’clock.

It was almost dawn.

A little light came in through the second floor window, and I could see Sean’s face.

His features were all stagnant. His eyes were black. He seemed to be enveloped in a thick sadness.

He looked at me.

I looked at him, too. My expression was only plain or stubborn.

I was betting.

I was betting on his pride as a man.

We stood against each other. Sean raised his arm and put his big palm on my face and moved.

His movements were light.

He seemed to be touching the most precious thing in the world.

When his hand passed my eyelashes, my eyelashes trembled a little but I didn’t close my eyes.

His hands caressed my face and every feature. At last he raised his hand.

He smiled bitterly. “It’s OK. I can wait. As long as you don’t belong to others, I can wait.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“I’m waiting for you to forgive me and believe me. I can get you back.”

Sean got up and went to the bathroom.

Then I heard the sound of the shower opening.

I sat in bed and froze for a long time. I couldn’t even see the mood in my heart.

Was I disappointed or depressed?

I couldn’t think.

I had made up my mind. Since he didn’t touch me, wasn’t it the best?

I got up and changed before he came out.

I made the bed and went downstairs.

When I was sitting in front of the computer, I found that Ming had sent me messages yesterday.

It said, “I’m going to have an operation today. I won’t go to your place at noon. Remember to have lunch.”

What a coincidence.


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