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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 262

“He’s Sean’s assistant.” Ming introduced him to me.

I pretended I knew and I responded coldly.

Based on my relationship with Sean, I shouldn’t be too polite to his assistant.

Eric also saw that I didn’t like him so he didn’t talk.

Ming asked him, “are you here to buy things for Sean?”

“Yes, President Jessop has an evening party. He needs a formal suit. The one in the company got dirty by accident, so I came to buy a new one.” Eric explained respectfully to Ming.

Ming nodded a little and said nothing more.

I felt relieved.

Sean was busy at night. It meant he wouldn’t go home later.

It was good.

The elevator soon descended to the floor of the underground garage. We and Eric went to our respective cars.

Ming drove to James’s house.

I was not here for the first time.

But I came here for the first time with Ming.

It was no different here than it was five years ago. The trees were bigger and the flowers were more colorful.

After getting off, I stood on the road and looked at the corner of the yard and said, “I saw you for the first time here.”

“I remember.” Ming smiled. “You and your sister were fighting.”

I was a little surprised by what he said.

Yeah, Molly and I were fighting at that time.

Now Molly was dead and Sean and I were strangers.

It happened six or seven years ago, but in my mind it was like what happened in my last life.

“Let’s go and stop thinking about the past.” Ming put his hand on my shoulder.

He always knew what I was thinking.

I turned my face and accompanied him into the Jessop family.

The housekeeper was waiting for us at the door. When he saw Ming and I, he said respectfully, “Master is waiting at home.”

The others were not there when we went in.

Except for the servants, James was the only one in the huge room.

He sat alone on the sofa in the living room and was dressed in linen.

We hadn’t seen each other for five years. He was obviously much older. His eyes were sunken and his mental state was not as good as before.

Seeing Ming and I go in, he stood up excitedly, “Oh, Ming, I finally see you take a girl home before I die.”

“Grandpa... Uncle Jessop.”

I almost called him Grandpa Jessop, but I thought about my identity and immediately changed it.

But I said it and James obviously heard it. He squinted and smiled and said, “they are the same. It just shows that my Ming is charming.”

I smiled awkwardly.

Ming helped James to sit down. “Dad, you said I can’t marry someone I don’t like. I bring back my favorite now.”

“Well, not bad.”

James looked at me and looked very satisfied.

James’s attitude towards me before and now was quite different.

The servant came to pour tea for Ming and me.

I took a sip of tea. James asked me, “what’s your name? How old are you? What do you do? Where are your parents now?”

He asked me a few questions.


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