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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 266

“Say it.”

“Only one of us can stay in York. The winner can get the company and her, but the loser has to leave alone.”

Sean spoke with a sharp face.

I thought Ming would lose.

Ming didn’t speak.

Sean looked at him and laughed, “uncle, are you scared? Are you afraid of losing money or her?”

Ming looked back at me and said, “OK.”

“No. I don’t belong to you. Why are you betting on me?” I was angry. I got up from bed and put on my shoes and walked straight out.


Ming seemed to want to chase me, but Sean stopped him.

I heard Sean say, “uncle, do you want to bet? You can chase her when you win.”

I was really angry.

How could there be someone like Sean!

I turned around angrily and walked to Ming’s side and looked up and put my arms around Ming’s neck. I offered to kiss him and ask, “Ming, let’s get the marriage license.”


He did not hesitate at all.

“Uncle, you just promised me. Now you’re fouling.” Sean’s hands clenched as he spoke.

His face didn’t change, but his eyes were red as if they were on fire.

Ming ignored him at all. He picked me up.

Sean stopped him. “Uncle, don’t force me.”

“I said I don’t belong to anyone. Why do you bet on me? Did you ask me?”

I was in Ming’s arms and watching Sean.


During our standoff, the servant’s voice came from the direction of the stairway.

I jumped out of Ming’s arms.

Sean and Ming rushed to the stairs and went downstairs.

When I got there, I saw James lying at the stairway and looking pale.

I knew he had been listening to our conversation here for a long time.

“Don’t move. I’ll call for an ambulance.”

Ming said.

After all, Ming was professional. Sean didn’t argue with him and did what he said.

After Ming called an ambulance, the servant began to talk about the situation.

As I expected, James had been standing on the first floor just now. The servant wanted to stop us, but he didn’t let him.

After a while, James fainted.

I stood upstairs and blamed myself.

If I hadn’t gone upstairs, it might not have happened.

I went downstairs step by step and said to the servant, “can you bring me a piece of your clothes? I want to go to the hospital with them.”

I couldn’t go at all now.

“My clothes are cheap. You are too noble. You can’t wear it.”

I could feel the hostility in the servant’s eyes. It was obvious that she had just heard the conversation upstairs and decided that I had seduced them.

“I have clothes in my car. I’ll get them for you.”

Sean said.

I was stunned by his words. I didn’t understand why he had clothes in his car.

But I didn’t have time to think too much at this time.

Soon Sean gave me a bag of clothes. I saw a suit in it, including underwear and underpants.


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