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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 271

I stood there. I didn’t have to look closely to see that this man was Marlin. He still wore the same dress he wore during the day.

The rain fell on him. His thin body seemed so shaky.

I said, “uncle, I’ve said you’re mistaken. Why are you here? How did you find it?”

My tone was peaceful as if I had nothing to do with him.

No, I really had nothing to do with him.

Marlin walked up to me step by step and grabbed my clothes with her hands. “June, we were wrong before. I told your mother I saw you when I got home. She insisted that you go home for dinner. She made the meal.”

Could Inez cook?

I didn’t believe it.

Inez said she was a lady. She didn’t go into the kitchen at all. Could she cook now? I didn’t believe it.

“What are you going to do?” Ming asked me with an umbrella.

If I didn’t care about him, I was afraid Marlin would really stand here all night.

After all, he was living a hard life now. If he was in a coma in front of his own daughter’s door, it was sure to attract attention.

I hesitated and asked marlin, “uncle, where do you live? We will send you back. You’re really wrong.”

“Uncle, her name is Becky. She’s not the one you’re looking for.”

Ming said it for me.

“Becky? What Becky!” Marlin was excited. “She’s my daughter. Her name is June!”


“Your mother almost died in the hospital to give birth to you and your sister. Please go back and see her.”

Marlin’s hand took my arm.

The chill penetrated my skin. I couldn’t help shivering.

I took my hand back and looked at Ming. “Let’s take this uncle to your hospital. He seems to be out of his mind.”

To be honest, the last people I wanted to see here were Marlin and Inez.

Marlin was excited when I finished. He grabbed me, “I’m out of my mind? I’m too awake! One of my two daughters died. People said it was you who died, but I saw the picture. I know Molly died! We’ve been looking for you for a long time!”


I looked at Marlin suspiciously.

“Yes!” Marlin took me. “Please, June, come home with me and see your mother.”

I was a little hesitant.

Although kinship was the most delicate relationship in the world, we separated for several years. I had no nostalgia for Marlin or Inez at all.

And I was not going to forgive them for what they did.

Ming took my arm. “Let’s get him back first.”

“... All right.”

I could only agree.

We pulled Marlin into the car.

He told us the address.

I couldn’t help but feel sad after hearing this address.

It was the worst shantytown in southern York. Basically, the poorest people in York lived there.

Even though Marlin was poor, they couldn’t live in such a place.

What happened these years?

I wanted to ask, but I was Becky. I shouldn’t ask.

It was raining. Ming drove very slowly.

In the car, Marlin kept calling me, “June.”

At last I couldn’t stand it. I turned to him and said coldly, “uncle, if you call me that again, I’ll throw you down and leave.”

Marlin shut up as soon as I finished.

It took about an hour and a half to get to the address Marlin said.

After getting off the car, I saw the building in front of me by the yellow light on the side of the road.


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