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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 121

The next morning, Rocky was awakened by the loud sound of forceful knocking. He opened his eyes as he regulated his breath and gathered his power. After opening the door, he saw Thor and Joss, dressed in uniforms embroidered with spirit manipulators' emblem. They stood still like two trees in front of his door with their spirit-manipulated beasts beside them. Joss's spirit-manipulated beast was as tall as a regular dog and it was only at the one-star level. Thor's beast, meanwhile, was a little bigger than Joss's, but it looked like an extremely ugly and strange cat that seemed rather peculiar, as though it had been shaven from head to tail.

"Why are the two of you standing guard so early in the morning?" Rocky asked in confusion as he frowned.

"Mr. Cliff said that you are in our team now, so he asked us to take you to the training field. Why haven't you put on your uniform? It's almost time to go," Joss replied in a low voice.

"We have given you your uniform yesterday," Thor told Rocky.

"Alright then," Rocky nodded as he returned to his room and searched for the uniform in the things Thor and Joss gave him yesterday. He found a uniform of coarse cloth soon, immediately putting it on.

Because Rocky thought Uriah was a little conspicuous, he left Uriah in his room.

"Won't you take your spirit-manipulated beast?" Thor asked Rocky as he saw Rocky come out of the room alone.

"It ate something wrong last night. It's been having diarrhea and is weak now." Rocky made up an excuse at once.

Hearing what he said, Thor and Joss looked at each other with furrowed brows. Never before had they heard about a spirit-manipulated beast that would have diarrhea.

Rocky proceeded to the training field led by Thor and Joss.

There were three training fields for spirit manipulators to train in this northeast military camp. Rocky had seen one of them yesterday.

As the three of them arrived at the training field, they saw the spirit manipulators from other teams had already assembled and were chatting in groups.

Once the three of them showed up, those spirit manipulators looked at them and laughed, pointing at them as if they were mocking them. Rocky squinted in annoyance.

Just then, a tall and thin man came up to them with an arrogant air. He emitted a momentum of the spirit manipulator at the sixth grade of the Mortal Stage, which was considered a high level among the spirit manipulators here.

"Oh! Isn't it the famous hindering duo?" The tall and thin man teased Thor and Joss.

The other spirit manipulators all laughed out loud as soon as he finished his sentence. They pointed and laughed at the three of them even more cruelly. It seemed that they just could not get enough.

In this northeast military camp, there were over sixty spirit manipulators aside from those who were officials. They were further divided into six teams except for those spirit manipulators who were guardians. Each team consisted of about six to eight spirit manipulators. Only three teams had spirit manipulators above the Earthly Stage, while the spirit manipulators in the other three teams were almost all at the Mortal Stage. So there were large gaps in the levels of strength among these teams.

This was especially true for the sixth team which Thor and Joss were in. Almost all the spirit manipulators at the lowest grades were in this team, so it was naturally the weakest team among them and hence was often the subject of ridicule. They were often laughed at by the spirit manipulators in other teams.

"No. You made a mistake. It's a trio now! Look. There's a new rookie," another spirit manipulator said. They could sense that Rocky's momentum was very weak, so they sneered at him without any hesitation.

"Ha-ha. You are right," the tall and thin man laughed as he took a look at Rocky with contempt. He also thought Rocky was definitely weak, so he looked down on him like the other spirit manipulators.

Hearing his words, Rocky frowned as he said to Joss, "I saw a dog suddenly barking in front of us. Did you see? It looked very stupid!"


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