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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 139

Rocky was one of the best gene scientists in the world, and there was no denying that. Despite his level of expertise, developing a method to control two spirit-manipulated beasts simultaneously remained to be a difficult task. No spirit manipulator had the ability to control two beasts at the same time, at least, that was what Rocky knew.

The relationship between a spirit manipulator and a spirit-manipulated beast was like of a key and a lock's. They just simply fit together. When the blood of the spirit manipulator entered a spirit-manipulated beast, a unique spiritual bond between the two was formed. The spiritual power-filled blood was used by the beast to lock on its master, as if to imprint. This master-beast relationship was so strong; it would only be broken if one of them were to die. They were bound so tightly they could feel whatever the other was sensing. This mutual perception enabled them to locate each other no matter the distance between them.

According to the Beast Encyclopedia, the reason behind the strength of the bond between the spirit manipulator and the spirit-manipulated beast was the beast itself. Their unique connection empowered the beast. Hence, the stronger their connection was, the more powerful the beast grew. If the spirit manipulator held the same power as the spirit-manipulated beast, the pair could perform Spirit Possession.

Rocky knew how powerful Spirit Possession was. He witnessed in the Dragon Birth Festival how this process could heighten the ability of the spirit manipulator. During Spirit Possession, the spirit manipulator was given the chance to improve their strength by merging theirs with the spirit-manipulated beast's. With this, they could double their power. Once it was done, they would have fused together as a single unit.

A powerful beast could give a spirit manipulator more benefits than a weak one. In essence, the more powerful a spirit-manipulated beast was, the more it could give to its spirit manipulator. It was usually one spirit manipulator to one spirit-manipulated beast. An additional beast was a liability, and offered no additional benefits. Instead of providing more strength to the spirit manipulator, an extra spirit-manipulated beast could only bring chaos to its master. Keeping two beasts under control was something beyond a sole spirit manipulator. Given that, no one ever tried owning more than a single beast.

Currently, Rocky and Uriah were almost at the same level of power. Uriah's capabilities were of the second grade of three stars. Its power was at par with the spirit manipulator at the first grade of the Earthly Stage. Rocky was just at this level. Had Uriah leveled up even in the slightest, its abilities might have bumped it up into the Heavenly Stage and Rocky would not be able to control Uriah by then.

The unwritten contract spirit manipulators and spirit-manipulated beasts had between them stated that the latter was to remain less powerful than its owner. It existed as part of their spiritual bond. Spirit-manipulated beasts could only evolve if its owner was strong enough to control them in their more powerful state. Otherwise, the beast would have to remain weak. Hence, a weak spirit manipulator's beast would remain weak unless the master got stronger.

Due to these inhibitions, a single spirit manipulator's power was allowed to possess only one spirit-manipulated beast.

Rocky's idea was unrealistic and to believe in it was simply delusional. It was simply impossible.

However, Rocky came from the modern world. Apparently, the modern world was conducting a research on manipulating the genes of powerful species. With their modified genetic codes, the new genetically modified beasts possessed stronger power. In turn, they were harder to be trained. In response to the hardships that came with the more powerful beasts, researchers developed a technology that would make them behave as they were told. They invented an advanced spirit-controlling device. The device worked wonderfully in keeping them tamed. However, this hindered the beast's full potential to be completely unleashed. Rocky was aware of all of this. He started researching ways to tame the genetic beasts and have them serve for humans.

The power of the genetic beasts was something humans had never seen before. They harbored so much strength, and that made controlling them almost impossible. People came up with an idea of making the genetic beasts believe they were weaker than humans. They controlled their thoughts and convinced the beasts to follow them. They managed to sway the beasts' minds by injecting their thoughts into the beasts' heads, like what happened in spirit bonds. However, with the thought of them being weaker than humans, the growth of the genetic beasts' power was limited.

Rocky developed a theory that went against the mainstream idea. The gist was that the way human beings needed to use the some kind of special methods to control genetic beasts was the same as how spirit manipulators kept their spirit-manipulated beasts under control.

This theory was proposing a way to make genetic beasts follow human beings willingly. It was obviously impossible. Never in a million years would a genetic beast follow humans voluntarily. They knew they were more powerful and more capable. They would never bow down to the weaker kind.

In an attempt to change the way the genetic beasts thought, Rocky tried to change their genes. Crazy as it was, it was his only option. Had this research went well, it would have become a breakthrough in the field of genetics, but luck was not in his favor. He was possessed by the epitome of incompetence: Prince Basil. It was also during the critical stage of his research when all this unfortunate event took place. Needless to say, things got messy.


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