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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 140

Rocky understood a watched pot never boiled. So, after half an hour, he stopped waiting and lifted little Rubygon, who was already asleep in his arms, and laid it on the bed. He asked Uriah to take care of it, then left the house and went to the beast farm to get some food for it. Right now, in addition to breastfeeding, Rocky had started to feed little Rubygon some meat and vegetables in order to strengthen his body.

Not long after leaving the house, Rocky noticed that people looked at him with disdain and derision on their face. But it was usual for him. He had been the talk of the northeast military camp ever since he'd been made captain of the sixth team. A lot of people were of the opinion that it was a huge mistake. Hence, he'd been reduced to nothing but a joke in the camp. They were waiting for the sixth team to make a big mistake. In their opinion, letting a loser like Rocky become captain of the team would only result in trouble. This team would be destined to be made fun of.

Although, under his captain-ship, the sixth team hadn't really made a fool of themselves for now. That was only because they hadn't had a chance to do it. It had been a while since the sixth team's last mission. In the absence of any other serious missions, they had only been patrolling. As a result, Rocky had plenty of free time as the captain. If there was anything that needed to be dealt with, he would just hand it to Joss and Thor. Therefore, in addition to bringing little Rubygon to the village to borrow milk every day, Rocky was hiding in the house, cultivating day and night.

However, the progress of this cultivation was indeed unsatisfactory. Even with the assistance of the magical saliva, Rocky's progress was not as rapid as it had been in the Mortal Stage. Moreover, even though Rocky had the spiritual crystal with him, he could not use it because the power of the Holy Dragon Bead in his body was sealed.

Actually, besides the spiritual crystal, there was a variety of treasures in the world which could help improve spiritual power. However, all of them were extremely precious. Consequently, they were also rare.

According to the current progress of cultivation, Rocky would need at least a few months to upgrade to the second grade of the Earthly Stage. Even if he was smart enough, he could not come up with a shorter way to speed up his cultivation and became stronger.

In truth, Rocky was quite lucky. He already had the magical saliva with him and could use it as an assistant in his cultivation. It was a very valuable asset. Generally speaking, any regular spirit manipulator, who wanted to cultivate from the Earthly Stage to the Heavenly Stage, needed to spend ten or twenty years to do so. Logically speaking, with the assistance of magical saliva, one could surely reach the Heavenly Stage within ten years, in some cases even faster.

But Rocky didn't have time to wait that long. He had to possess the capability that was able to compete with Alston before Alston became the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire. Otherwise, everything would be in vain.

Rocky needed to reach the level of the Supernal Stage within a few years. This was something that was impossible for spirit manipulators to imagine. Many spirit manipulators would not be able to break through the bottleneck of the Heavenly Stage and reach the Supernal Stage for a lifetime.

However, Rocky had a strong and evil power in his body, which came from the sealed Holy Dragon Bead. Marcia had said that only when he could reach the Heavenly Stage, could he regain the power of the Holy Dragon Bead. The power she was talking about was that evil power that was inside him. In other words, the faster he reached the Heavenly Stage, the quicker he would regain the power of the Holy Dragon Bead. With the power of the Holy Dragon Bead and the constant cultivation he was undergoing, it could become possible for him to achieve the strength to compete with Alston in a few years' time.

"If I can regain and grasp the evil power, I can get back to the Imperial City!" Rocky told himself with stone-cold, determined eyes.

After he got food for little Rubygon from the beast farm, Rocky went back to his house, and was ready to start the cultivation again. Just then, he heard someone knocking at the door.

Rocky opened the door. Thor and Joss were standing outside.

"What is going on?" Rocky asked. He had already told them that they could make the decisions for the team on their own as far as little things were concerned. They did not need to ask him.

"We have a new mission," Joss said.

"Oh...wait for me here." Rocky nodded and closed the door. After changing into military robes, Rocky asked Uriah to take care of Rubygon. He then walked out of the house.

"Captain, why don't you bring your spirit-manipulated beast with you on the missions?" Thor had spotted Uriah lying on the bed when Rocky closed the door behind him, and hence asked the question with curiosity.

Joss too was equally curious. Since Rocky had arrived at the military camp, they had never seen Uriah with him when he came for the missions, which they found quite strange.

Rocky took a look at the two of them for a second, then walked away with a strange coldness on his face.


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