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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 157

In the meantime, not far away from the Gehenna Border, something was happening in the supreme headquarters of the Crimson Dragon Group in the Yi City.

A giant shadow loomed above the city. A war dragon with iridescent black-green scales slowly landed in the beast farm of the supreme headquarters. A familiar figure jumped off it. It was Marin. After she left the dragon with someone in charge of taking care of spiritual-manipulated beasts, she left the beast farm right away, unaccompanied.

Walking through several magnificent buildings, Marin finally came to a tasteful pavilion whose style was quite different from the other buildings surrounding it. It was special and unique, conspicuous among the other similar-looking structures around it.

"Greetings, Commander Marin," four female guards standing in front of the pavilion called in unison with great respect at the sight of her.

"Is the Deputy Commander in Chief in there?" Marin asked one of the female guards, nodding out of habit.

"Oh, she is resting now. Should I go inside to inform her of your arrival?" a female guard asked.

"You don't have to. I will go in directly." Marin waved her delicate hand. With that, she entered the pavilion with her cloak fluttering behind her.

The pavilion had two expansive floors. The decoration on the first floor was very elegant. Table and chairs made of fragrant timber were put in order along the walls; terracotta pots brimming with flowers were placed at the four corners. It was a tasteful and serene living space.

Marin proceeded to the second floor. It was full of gauze curtains that overlapped each other, the smell of incense pervading the air. Marin felt as if she was in a fairyland. At the end of the room, a white jade bed was placed aside, giving off purple smoke. On the bed, a female figure sat cross-legged. A vigorous aura of power of the spirit manipulator beyond the seventh level of the Heavenly Stage emanated from her form.

Before Marin could speak, the female figure quickly opened her beautiful eyes and parted her exquisite lips. She spoke gently, "Marin, why are you here?"

"Greetings, Deputy Commander in Chief." Marin immediately bowed to the female figure.

"Oh goodness. Have you forgotten what I told you? Don't call me that when we're alone! We are cousins for crying out loud. Don't be so stiff and formal! It's unusual and awkward," the lovely woman grumbled.

Few people knew that the Deputy Commander in Chief of the Crimson Dragon Group was the cousin of Marin, who was also the second in command of the Crimson Dragon Group.

"Alright, Isis." Marin winked with her beautiful eyes, a playful look on her face.

"Come in. Let me see you." Isis stood up from the white jade bed and pulled open the gauze curtains.

Her eyes were graceful and moving. Her gestures, expressions, and demeanor were so eye-catching and elegant. Distinctive and beautiful, her delicate oval face, like a masterpiece of supreme craftsmanship, made her look like a fairy descending to the earth and an elf dancing among flowers. All in all, she was such a dazzling beauty that made even the most delicate and charming flowers pale in comparison. Any man would be touched by her beauty, any woman would desire to emulate it.

Although she looked like a gentle and virtuous woman, Isis' position was at the head of one of the four major army groups of the Holy Dragon Empire. Known as for her intelligence, she was sharp and intelligent. More than that, she had read so many books on the art of war that she knew almost all the tactics on the Wild Spirit Land in the past thousands of years thoroughly by heart and she could apply them skillfully. She was known for being able to devise strategies within a command tent and win battles outside a long distance. Her stratagems were inexhaustible and fluid, so it was almost impossible for her enemies to predict and guard against her attacks.

Isis was also the daughter of Lance, the Commander in Chief of the Crimson Dragon Group. Enjoying an equally respectable reputation, he was one of the Three Great Generals of the Holy Dragon Empire. However, compared with Bryant and Marcia, both of whom always showed their abilities to the full extent, Lance was a low-key. But the truth was that he had won brilliant achievements in war for the Holy Dragon Empire and was by no means inferior to Bryant. Otherwise, the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire wouldn't have assigned the Crimson Dragon Group to defend the frontier of the Gehenna Border.


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