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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 98

A loud chatter grew among the crowd. The beast evaluators found Mia's words utterly absurd, betting the Top Beast Evaluator's Cup and a great sum of money on a rookie beast evaluator who was only at the first grade. She even seemed to have great confidence that the rookie would be able to turn the tide towards her favour. For them, it was absolutely preposterous. They just cannot comprehend how Mia could suggest such a thing.

Mia's words also shocked Weldon. He wondered why Mia, who had always shown keen discernment and wise judgment in everything she did, would suddenly act so heedless today. It was a risky thing to do, supporting Rocky and risking ruining the reputation of the Super Beast Farm.

"Well, what do you think?" Rocky confidently challenged Carter as he crossed his arms and smiled. He regarded his knowledge about the spirit-manipulated beasts as his own little personal database. With all the information he had, he could enumerate a spirit-manipulated beast's qualities even without evaluating. He was not afraid of Carter at all because he was confident that his database would be definitely reliable.

"Since there is such a great disparity between your skills and my skills, if we compete according to the usual rules, people might think that my win would be a perverse one. So let's do it this way. I'll pick an infant spirit-manipulated beast. If you can correctly tell me what hidden skill the infant beast has, then you will be the winner. What do you think?" Carter said with a barely concealed evil smile. It seemed that the competition would not be as easy as he had just said.

"That easy?" Rocky was quite taken aback because what Carter had proposed was not a difficulty to him. He thought that Carter was underestimating his ability too much.

"Easy? Ha-ha, you will soon know that it's not easy at all." Carter gave Rocky a condescending sneer as he waved his arm, opening a gap in the air. A round figure emerged from the gap. It moved slowly and awkwardly, and then suddenly fell to the ground. It looked so clumsy and stupid.

Everyone carefully stared at this clumsy spirit-manipulated beast. This spirit-manipulated beast was definitely a sight; it was hideous and quite fat. Its entire body looked like a ball, its face sunken, its flesh looked fluffy, and its skin was as soft as cotton. It bore quite a resemblance to a small pig. People would definitely regard it as unwanted just from first glance.

Even Rocky shook his head disappointedly as he looked at this spirit-manipulated beast. It did not even have the most basic features of a spirit-manipulated beast. The one he evaluated just now was at least healthy with a sound body full of vitality, which a spirit-manipulated beast should have. Instead, the creature before him not only had short legs, but was also extremely plump. It even had difficulty in moving its own body, so it really seemed to be of no use. People could easily tell that these kind of spirit-manipulated beasts have weak qualities even without using evaluating skills. These kinds of spirit-manipulated beasts would not be able to have any hidden skills, which were only usually found in higher star level spirit-manipulated beasts.

Just to be certain, Rocky searched for information about it in the database of spirit-manipulated beasts in his head. However, he was stunned when he found nothing.

This was extremely troublesome for Rocky. He did not expect that Carter would be so cunning to pick such a useless spirit-manipulated beast, which made it harder for him to evaluate. Even a beast evaluator at the same level as Carter might not be able to evaluate its hidden skill, even more so Ricky whose evaluating level was lower than theirs.

"Carter, are you sure this spirit-manipulated beast has hidden skills?" Weldon beside them could not help but ask in confusion after having carefully observed the beast for a while. He wondered if Carter just wanted to deliberately humiliate Rocky and decided to pick a spirit-manipulated beast without any hidden skills on purpose. After all, Rocky's evaluating level was low. If Carter were to deceive him, he might be easily fooled.


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