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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 458

Chapter 458 Joseph Cannot Be Bailed Out 

Chapter 458 Joseph Cannot Be Bailed Out 

James didn’t bat an eye when he learned that Fanny had steered clear of trouble. After catching sight of Fanny, Scarlet made a point to ensure everything was alright with him. Fanny had come back and mentioned that school was out for the day

Oh, and hey, your sister went to bail someone out this morning. The guy noticed Jamesdistraction and gestured to the papers in his hand. I did a little digging for you. Take a look.” 


James kept skimming through and stumbled upon the profile of a guy named Kaydron

When he saw the unfamiliar name, James couldn’t help but knit his brows, but he chose not to probe further

Don’t you even wonder a bit?” 

James scrunched his brow. Fanny’s got her own stuff going on. Even though I’m her brother, I can’t stick my nose into everything.” 

Upon hearing his response, the guy didn’t push further and just got up to leave

James hurriedly stopped him. Hey, Mr. Zuckerberg. I need your hand with something.” 

You can just call me by my first name, Hugh said, his face tense

James sensed the gravity of the situation and opted for a direct approach. Hugh.” 

Reluctantly, Hugh nodded and showed no rush to leave. He inquired about Jamesrequest

Keep an eye on my Zacharias. If he tries, anything shady with the hospital, give me a heads- up, James instructed him plainly

James didn’t beat around the bush and laid out his request

Having Hugh monitor Zacharias would save James a great deal of trouble

Hugh agreed with a nod and replied promptly. Sure, I’ll keep tabs on him.” 

With that settled, he stood up and left

This time, James didn’t try to stop him

As the room fell silent with only one person left, James reviewed Fanny’s recent activities

Afterward, he reached out to Scarlet. Upon discovering they were all heading home together, he swiftly agreed to join them later that evening


Chapter 158 Joseph Cannot Be Bailed Out 

But before making his way home, he had to get in touch with Angela

After all, his primary reason for being in Northland this time was for Joseph.. 

If only Joseph could safely emerge, their family could finally return to Riverdon together

It would be a relief if Angela could commit to continuing treatment for Zac. Perhaps then, Zac won’t be consumed with thoughts of donating a kidney to Fanny all the time

James would spare no effort in finding a source for a kidney

Around noon, he called Angela again

This time, Angela didn’t disregard the call as before

Who’s calling?Her voice came through, tinged with laziness and nonchalance

James took a moment to collect himself before speaking up, It’s me.” 

Hmm? Who?Angela already knew the answer but decided to play dumb

James felt frustrated and replied, It’s me, James.” 

Sensing his discomfort, she felt a pang of satisfaction and asked, What’s on your mind?” 

I need to talk to you about Joseph,” James said flatly, struggling to find the right words

He had never approached her with a tone of request before, so he found it difficult to express himself naturally

With a chuckle, Angela replied, I’m a bit busy right now.” 

James felt his anger rising at her laughter, and her cold rejection only fueled it further, causing his expression to darken

“I won’t take up much of your time. I just need you to listen and consider giving Joseph a chance to be bailed out,he hurriedly pleaded and feared that she might hang up on him again

When he dropped that bombshell, it really threw Angela for a loop

Well, if Joseph can’t be bailed out, that’s not my problem,she quipped

She couldn’t help but wonder why he kept calling her incessantly

Turns out, Joseph is stuck behind bars.But why does this whole situation seem so familiar? Had Joseph rubbed someone the wrong way


Chapter 438 Joseph Cannot Be Bailed Out 

Jamestone was already dripping with bitterness. Angela, why are you playing dumb? If it’s not your doing, then it must be Jonathan, right?” 

Angela was utterly speechless. It wasn’t me, and Jonathan wouldn’t stoop to that level. Use your head. Joseph probably crossed someone else!” 

She couldn’t shake the feeling that the Kins Family had lost their marbles. Why else would they keep pointing fingers at her

After venting her frustration, she didn’t feel like going back and forth with James anymore, so she simply ended the call

As the dial tone hummed in his ear, Jamesface twisted with a mix of emotions

Angela said she wasn’t the one preventing Joseph from getting bail. James couldn’t fathom who else could be pulling the strings behind the scenes

Without a moment’s hesitation, he made a beeline for the police station. His mind was racing with a question. Did Joseph rub someone else the wrong way

Northland Medical University cafeteria

Angela’s friends couldn’t help but notice the change in her demeanor after she hung up Othe phone

Angela, who was that?Yoanna’s curiosity piqued

Who would dare to mess with you? Do you need us to step in?Mobiuseagerness to help was palpable

It’s nothing, really,Angela assured them, but her friendsexcited expressions made her hesitate

Yaxley, seated beside her, offered his support. Angela can handle it on her own. You guys don’t need to worry.” 

Angela nodded, appreciating his vote of confidence


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