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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459 The Best Way To See Jonathan 

It was sheer luck that Kaydron had set his sights on Angela, all thanks to the goading and encouragement from Fanny

Now that I think about it, keeping an eye on Fanny might actually help us nail down the exact time for the bail, thought Yaxley

His preemptive move to monitor Fanny was quite impressive. 

No kidding, Yaxley. Did you really anticipate that Fanny would bail out Kaydron?He couldn’t help but admire him, though he was also puzzled

Yaxley remained composed. Just a stroke of luck.” 

Even though he had let go of the issue after being manipulated by Fanny before, he couldn’t shake off the resentment entirely. Of course, he would have someone tailing her

After seeing what she had been up to behind the scenes, he felt less bitter than before

Noticing Yaxley’s subdued demeanor, Yoanna diverted Mobiusfurther questions and changed the subject. Kaydron’s out. Angela, you need to watch your back.” 

Observing the expressions and conversation of those present, Angela suspected that Mobius. must have informed Yaxley about yesterday’s encounter with Kaydron

Upon learning that Yaxley had been discreetly watching over Fanny, despite his reluctance to reveal it, he showed genuine concern for her safety amidst Kaydron’s threat

This considerate act by Yaxley warmed her heart and made her realize the comforting power of genuine friends

Yeah, I always have bodyguards around me, so I’m not worried about Kaydron coming back,” said Angela casually

When Kaydron was mentioned, she didn’t bat an eye

After all, he didn’t pose much of a threat. Even the people

her were just ordinary

brought last time to confront 

However, if she could, she wouldn’t mind using him to give Fanny a hard time

As long as he spilled the beans about Fanny, she wouldn’t have to worry about Fanny hiding behind him and acting all smug

But after he was arrested yesterday, he played innocent and did not give up any info on who 

Chapter 459 The Best Way To See Jonathan 

might be pulling his strings

When Yoanna heard her mention the bodyguards around her, she remembered the formidable strength of those men and couldn’t help but comment, Mr. Lawson really cares. about you, and the people protecting you are really impressive.” 

Angela smiled

The conversation quickly moved on to other topics, but suddenly, Yaxley received a phone call and had to leave immediately

What’s wrong?Angela asked

Yaxley replied, My grandmother is critically ill. Can you help me request leave for this afternoon’s training session?” 

Upon hearing this, Angela nodded in agreement

After Yaxley left, Mobius let out a heavy sigh. Yaxley’s grandmother has been really sick before. I hope she makes it through this time” 

Even though he didn’t finish his sentence, everyone felt the underlying worry. 

Yoanna’s face showed clear tension upon hearing the news, and Angela couldn’t shake off the unease either

The group wrapped up their lunch and went their separate ways

Angela took care of Yaxley’s leave first before heading to the classroom for the day’s training

As she walked in, she noticed Tyler and Lara waiting for her

They seemed 

eager, and Lara greeted her with a smile, Angela, where’s Yaxley?” 

Angela wasn’t too keen on her overly friendly tone, so she furrowed her brow slightly before replying, Yaxley is out on leave.” 

Lara’s expression tightened upon hearing that Yaxley was absent

She hesitated before saying, Oh,” and then suggested, Angela, training is almost done. How about we meet up tonight? Everyone else is up 

for it.” 

Angela shook her head. I’ll pass. I’ve got someone waiting for me at home.” 

She wasn’t heading home to find someone waiting, but lately, Jonathan made it a habit to wait for her at the school/gate

Chapter 450 The Best Way To See Jonathan 

And honestly, she couldn’t care less about the gettogethers organized by Lara and her people

In this crowd of trainees, aside from knowing Yaxley somewhat, she only really recognized Lara, Tyler, plus Telvis, who had helped Joseph spread rumors and slander her. She hadn’t bothered to mingle with the rest and had no desire to

When Angela turned down the invitation once more, Tyler chimed in, Angela, we’re all going. Wouldn’t it seem odd if you didn’t show?” 

Angela lifted her gaze and asked him, What’s so odd about it?” 

Tyler’s expression shifted before he said, It’s like not fitting in with the group.” 

With a nonchalant tone, she replied. If I don’t fit in, then so be it. I’m not even bothered by it, so why should you be?” 

And with that, she headed straight to her seat

Tyler pondered for a moment before following her and suggesting. If today is not convenient for you, how about tomorrow? Yaxley won’t be on leave then.” 

His implication was clear, insinuating that she was only skipping today because Yaxley couldn’t make it

Annie couldn’t bear how he twisted things around, and his relentless pursuit only grated on her more

Sorry, but I’m tied up tomorrow, too, she stated firmly. Knowing her time in Northland was limited, she saw no reason to entertain his advances

Regardless of whether she aced the upcoming test or not or if she moved on to the next phase, she wouldn’t linger in Northland for much longer. 

If she progressed, she’d likely jet off abroad for further training. If not, she would have to head back to Riverdon to wrap up her studies

But she was ready for either scenario; she had made peace with whatever the future held


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