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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 483

Chapter 483 Unable to Rest Easy 

094% 09:51 

Tyler, who was unable to unwind, listened intently as the chats between Angela and her friends grew softer

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As Tyler watched Jonathan’s figure go further away, Lara saw the distant expression in his eyes and inquired, Tyler, are you alright?giving him a gentle shoulder pat. Breaking out of his reverie, Tyler heard someone making assumptions about Angela

It’s nothing,he said, quickly shifting the topic while furrowing his brow. Angela and the others must have other plans. Let’s grab a quick bite.” 

There must be alternative plans for Angela and the others. Let’s have a quick snack.Angela had already left, unaware of the tales that were being spread about them. Had she known, she most likely would not have cared. She did not care what Tyler’s friends thought of her in the first place

Angela had little faith in this group after Joseph had posted the notice for Telvis

What’s on your mind?Jonathan grasped Angela’s hand and inquired

Angela shook her head and said, Nothing major. Come on, let’s get home soon.” 

Angela would be gone from Jonathan for two days since she had an exam in the suburbs the following day. A twinge of concern at leaving him behind came over her. Jonathan, who had agreed last time when she proposed that they head to the outskirts together, strongly refused this time


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Chapter 483 Unable to Rest Easy 

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Jonathan did not press for more discussion as he could tell Angela was hesitant. He led Angela to the car after saying goodbye to the others. Once inside the vehicle, she closed her eyes to sleep as Jonathan sat next to her, hand around her, lost in meditation. They were surrounded by silence

Jonathan, are you not joining me on the trip to the outskirts of Windmill City tomorrow?Angela abruptly inquired as she opened her eyes after a while

Even though Angela would occasionally call Jonathan by his name in public, she felt more at case referring to him as Jonathanwhen they were alone. Together, Jonathan strongly rejected this time, having consented voluntarily the previous time

Jonathan rejected the idea. I can’t skip the next.day since I have important appointments tomorrow. Before I depart from Northland, I have to pay attention to them.” 

So, I wish you luck, Jonathan,Angela said with a smile as she nodded

Since she had previously inquired and been given the same response, she was aware when he brought up the important meetings once 


Is everything alright with your health, Jonathan?Angela simply questioned, feeling a little uncomfortable

She was uncomfortable because Jonathan hurt himself the previous time she went, even though he attempted to hide it from her. She had just learned from Spencer, so this time she was compelled to worry


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Chapter 483 Unable to Rest Easy 

Jonathan reassured her, It’s been okay for a while now.” 

Jonathan saw the anxiety in Angela’s eyes and furrowed his brows, as if recalling something

Tve entirely healed my leg. Nothing is wrong,” he stated

Angela leaned out to stroke his worried brow and said, Don’t worry.” 

With sympathy in her eyes, she traced Jonathan’s face with her fingertips

The leg is fully healed, but what about the selfharm issue?Angela’s anxiety increased

Recalling Daniel’s advice, she tried to provide Jonathan with the affection and companionship he required. It has significantly decreased his occurrences of selfharm, with the exception of times. when he experienced extreme emotional agony

Just when she believed Jonathan would not relapse and was headed toward recovery. Jonathan’s habit reappeared. She had left Riverdon for Northland a day early. Because Jonathan was hiding what was going on, she did not really know what was going on

She then remembered the talk she would had with Spencer about what had happened during the previous test with Jonathan, the day before they’d arrived in Northland

So she asked Daniel to vouch for the information. He did not keep the facts from her, and she found out that Jonathan was in critical condition at the time. Since the day Jonathan came in Northland, she had known that he had a tendency to selfharm. But because 


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Chapter 483 Unable to Rest Easy 

94% 09:51 

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Jonathan had recovered later, or had managed to hide himself well, she had thought that her tenderness and concern had actually cured him

When Angela inquired, Jonathan remained unusually silent

Observing his silence, Angela sighed, Jonathan, I’ll give you acupuncture again tonight when I return, alright?” 

At the very least, she wanted to put in more effort

Jonathan raised his hand to pat Angela’s head, Alright, thank you.” 

He understood his illness better than anyone else, and he knew the feeling of losing control. Encountering Angela had been a stroke of luck for him, and naturally, he did not want her. to leave, but some things always required a bit of adjustment. He did not want to hinder her focus because of him. The car fell into silence once more. While one side remained quiet, others gossiped about them, creating quite a commotion

Hey, Yaxley and Angela don’t treat us with any dignity. We’ll have to travel overseas for training together if they pass the exam, and their behavior may cause them to become isolated.” 

One of the trainees who was having dinner with Tyler and Lara was the speaker. After a few beers, his face was starting to become a little 


Indeed, who knows? Perhaps, though, she won’t even pass the exam.A chuckle was heard

Tyler abruptly jumped in, saying, Based on Angela’s prior test scores


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Chapter 483 Unable to Rest Easy 

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