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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 484

Chapter 484 In an Unconventional Manner 

Tyler knew nothing at all about Jonathan

Why would I have needed Angela to introduce him if I had known Jonathan? Moreover, when Angela did introduce him, she did it so confidently as a potential partner. Partner, in the sense of a romantic partner? Or a business partner? If it was a business partner, was he single or married? he thought

He was intrigued by these inquiries, but there was no time to find out more at that point

Tyler seemed uncomfortable, so Lara tried to comfort him by saying, I suddenly remembered seeing a photo of that person.” 

Hmm?Her cryptic comments were starting to baffle Tyler more and 


What did seeing a photo of Jonathan have to do with Angela passing the test? he thought

Lara made the decision to share what she knew after observing his agitation. She related how, while out at a party with a friend, she saw Miss Florence Shelton giving orders to her staff to ruin someone’s test. She had seen Jonathan’s picture on Florence’s phone, even if she was bewildered at the time. It found out that Angela’s test was Florence’s intended target for sabotage

That turned out to be quite a coincidence. She might not have recognized Miss Florence Shelton’s intended target if she had not met Jonathan and Angela that day

Huh? Is it possible that Miss Florence Shelton harbors romantic 



feelings for that man? Tyler made a query

Lara gave a nod. That seems to be the case. Do we need to advise Angela to exercise caution tomorrow?” 

I’ll go tell Angela,Tyler said without thinking

Its efficacy was still unclear despite the warning. Angela would have little chance of winning, especially in the test, if she went up against. Florence. The Shelton Family had a great deal of power, and they might have taken more active and clandestine measures to make sure Angela did not succeed. Therefore, rather than providing a guarantee. of safety, the warning was intended as a gesture of goodwill. In the end, Angela’s prospects of dying appeared dire

After giving it some thought, he concluded there was no need to warn her. It was preferable to let things happen organically. Angela would be much more distraught if she found out about the scheme

retaliated violently, and learned it was all for nothing. Lara told Tyler and then she did not bring it up again

After the two hurried back to their seat, Tyler skillfully sidestepped questions regarding their whispered talk

Meanwhile, in a secret chamber close by

James was escortedby many blackclad bodyguards to Florence’s presence. The bodyguards did their jobs well, even if they were not very courteous. James looked confused as he was put on the carpet in the private room. His unkempt appearance suggested that he had resisted the trip

He asked many times throughout the drive why they were there, but 



he was simply given evasive answers about being invited. Other than that, not much was spoken. Their prepared quiet suggested

deliberate avoidance of conversation. But their way of invitinghim was hardly courteous at all

James was never physically restrained, but the guards were always there to keep an eye on him and direct his every move. The drive. from the luxury sedan to the lavish hotel seemed oppressive, like he was in a prison with invisible forces controlling his every move. During this disoriented moment, he thought of scary things that may happen, like being abducted. When they arrived to meet Florence, James was completely taken by surprise since he had no idea where they were going

This was an unusual way to extend an invitation, after all, and it seemed appropriate for her

Florence asked jokingly, Well, what ideas do you have?while casting a contemptuous glance at James who was lying on the floor

James did not know just how to respond to Florence’s statements since he was still perplexed. Florence arched an eyebrow impatiently and gestured to the bodyguard. These were people Florence had worked with for a while, and now, all it took was a quick look from her to know what she wanted. One of them lunged forward and punched James in the stomach without thinking twice

James groaned softly and then let out a hurting cry

Miss Shelton?James was stunned by the hit

James had been waiting for her answer ever since he spoke with Florence, but he had never imagined her pulling him right up to her



Hi, yes, it’s me.” 

Florence enjoyed the misery on his face, a feeling she would pick up from Christopher Sanders. Since then, she tried it out on others, and it’s been fun

Florence laughed, and James felt a wave of horror go through him, making him tremble violently. Though dread stopped any questioning, he could not understand why she had suddenly commanded someone to attack him. James became more uneasy as an odd quiet descended upon the space and persisted for a considerable amount of time

As all of this was going on, Jonathan’s car arrived back at the villa with Angela in it. Jonathan changed into his new clothes, walked to the balcony, and called while Angela got ready for acupuncture. A few rings later, someone picked up the phone

Hello?Spencer sounded a little tired in his voice

With a note of despair in his voice, Jonathan said, It’s me, Spencer.” 


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