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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 

It was 2:30 pm


fast food had been on the table for almost lalf an hour. As Mikayla raised her head from the pile of documents and saw the lunch box, she only realized she hadn’t diten yet


A notification popped up on her computer just as she was about to open her lunch. She quickly clicked on the flashing icon

SpringTime Rejuvenation: [Dear, you looking for me?

Cake Topping: [Yeah.] An eyerolling emoji was added

SpringTimeRejuvenationwas Maxius Lark, Mikayla’s senior from when she studied abroad. He had a laidback way of speaking, but he was incredibly dependable. People who didn’t know him well might think he had a crush on everyone, but that was just his way

Spring TimeRejuvenation: (Give me two minutes

Mikayla frowned. She had met Maxius by chance during her studies, but they mainly kept in touch online and rarely saw each other im person, for she used to worry that Jaxon might misunderstand their relationship. It was midnight in Maxius’s time zone, and she figured he had just woken up. The two mintites were probably for freshening up

There were only computers in Maxiuslife. He had been single for many years. He’d been single for years, and many thought he’d end up spending his life with his computer. People often described him as mild on the outside but wild within

Mikayla’s proposal had actually been inspired by Maxius. He had once talked about starting an internet company back in Xueror but lacked the funds. At the time, Mikayla had considered investing in him. Now, she wondered, If he finds out I used his idea, will he be mad 

Spring TimeRejuvenation: [Babe, I’m back!] A kissblowing emoji was attached

Cake Topping: [Would you like to help me in Xucror?

Mikayla had grown used to Maxiusplayful teasing. It didn’t bother her, and she saw no need to correct him

SpringTimeRejuvenation: [Okay!

Mikayla was a bit surprised by how quickly Maxius agreed

Cake Topping: [When is the earliest you can come back? I’ll send you the location.] With that, Mikayla picked up her phone. found Maxiusnumber, located Prairie Hotel in Xosa, and sent it over 

SpringTimeRejuvenation: [Okay, got it! Since you miss me so much, I’ll be in Xosa early tomorrow morning.

Cake Topping: [I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow.

SpringTimeRejuvenation: [Can’t wait to see my babe! Looking forward to it!] An emoji with heartshaped eyes came with 

the text


Come in!Mikayla quit the chat and looked up to see Quinnlyn enter with another stack of documents. It seemed the papers Garrett had given her earlier were just the beginning

Ms. Salvatore, the board of directors wants to see you upstairs, Quinnlyn informed her

OkayMikayla knew this was inevitable but was surprised they called for her so soon

Chapter 21 


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