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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 68


Chapter 68 

In fact, Mikayla should have anticipated Logan and his family’s reaction earlier, but she hadn’t expected him to threaten her father. Dad. Fm sorry!Mikayla apologized. She mused, 1 can handle or ignore Uncle Logan and his family targeting me. It seems they’re trying to force my father to step down this time” 

Jorge paned Mikayla’s head affectionately and said, Mika, you did the right thing. Huxley will end up if he continues to be spoiled like this” 

That’s right. Logan and his family are unaware of Huxley’s problem and are still shielding him. But what’s our next move, considering Logan’s statement!” Sylvia added

Mikayla comforted her, saying, Mom, it’s okay. You don’t have to worry 

Sylvia, you can go to sleep first,” Jorge suggested, adjusting Sylvia’s clothes and then gently escorting her to the bedroom door, offering a few words of comfort on the way 

Jorge felt at ease when Sylvia returned to her room. Then he said, Let’s go to the study” 

Mikayla asked the housekeeper to make Jorge a cup of chamomile tea. She then followed Jorge to the study on the second floor

Jorge closed the study door before saying, Mika, what do you think about the matter?” 

Dad, I don’t suggest you indulge them any longer if they continue like this Mikayla said, her gaze turning cold

Mikayla’s beliefs had been challenged before. Logan and his family were an eyeopener that evening. It was a recurring problem for Logan and his Emily to insist that they were always right and to refuse to listen to others

Jorge walked around the desk and frowned

Mikayla noticed his hesitation and knew he was reluctant. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have tolerated it for over 20 years

Because of our constant concessions, Logan and his family have pampered Huxley, but he is not qualified to be the heir of Salvatore Group But Huxley is his only son,Jorge said, sitting on the couch, his eyes reflecting a sense of helplessness 

Dad, this mindset indirectly led Huxley to believe Salvatore Group could not operate without him. I acted impulsively this time, hoping to shake him awake, but he sought support from his parents instead of reflecting. Still, Uncle Logan’s intentions aren’t simple this time she explained When Mikayla saw Jorge was absorbed in her analysis, she continued, Whatever decision we make will only fuel their arrogance.” 

A1 Mikayla’s words, Jorge mused, Although Thate to admit it, her words ring true. I’ve harbored guilt toward Logan all these years, but my constant concessions have only lekfired. I won’t let Mika apologize. What if I give up the chairman position instead?” 

Dad, sipping down as chairman will ruin the family business. It will only put our ancestors legacy in the hands of Uncle Logan’s family, Mikayla said. She had already guessed what he was thinking from his expression

Jorge sighed

Dad. you have to make a decision. Uncle Logan and his family won’t be grateful no matter how good we are to them,Mikayla suggested. She didn’t try to convince him any further. It was best to leave him alone with his thoughts. She closed the study door and returned to her bedroom

It was almost II o’clock in Nou. The smog had cleared, and the temperature had begun to warm. After three months of cold, the first rays of sunshine had finally greeted them. The sun was gentle and far from scorching at that time of year

Mikayla relaxed with a cup of coffee after finishing her early morning work. However, her break was interrupted by an urgent board meeting that required her immediate attendance

Mikayla had learned from her past mistakes. She realized that her lack of public relations had contributed to yesterday’s incident. She now reading the newspaper and keeping up with the latest news part of her breakfast routine

now made 

Yesterday’s incident at the barbecue restaurant made the headlines again (Nation’s Idol Protects Wife and Angrily Confronts Loudmouth. There was alus a significant number of online viewers 

A series of reports about Carlos and her went viral on the Internet under the headline: Nation’s Idol and Goddess Enjoy Barbecue, with photos of them having a barbecue together and holding hands attached

Innially, most people supported them. However, within an hour, criticism flooded in, accusing them of bullying the weak and using the news mask the truth


After tracing the IDs, it was discovered that ghostwriters had been hired to defame her. However, the IDs were traced back to a cybercafe, making it 

12:13 PM

Chapter 65 

impossible to identify the individuals responsible

In the business world, Mikayla could only think of one entity that could manipulate the media to help Huxley and has family, and it was 


Once she entered the conference room, Mikayla stood at the back as usual, waiting for the board of directors to criticize her

Mikayla take a look at this.Shawn said, again taking the lead, throwing a stack of newspapers on the table

Mikayla gave them a quick look. There were headlines from various news agencies in Xosa. It turned out he was looking into that matter

People say that Salvatore Group has a poor work ethic and lacks unity. Insiders are involved in internal conflicts. Graham said, casting a disdainful glance at Mikayla standing in the back 

The rest of them began to whisper among themselves

I am aware of what has happened. As chairman of Salvatore Group, I will not play favorites with my daughter. This isn’t just business. It’s also our family business,Jorge declared


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