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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 474

Resurrecting the Genius Within 

Chapter 474 Big Sister 

Georgesaid coolly, My wife sent me on patrol, so please, no interruptions.” 


Jim stepped in his path, casually suggesting, No rush, George. Have a chat with your big brother, and let’s get to know each other a bit, huh?” 

He took advantage of the situation without any hesitation

Knowing that Jim meant no harm, George magnanimously did not take it personally, especially since he was in a good mood

The robot, completely devoted to its wife and a model husband who prioritises her in everything, said, Don’t call me George. My wife doesn’t like it.” 

George had been quiet until now but finally said, Then what name does she prefer?” 

Reluctantly, the robot answered, Big sister.” 

This made George raise an eyebrow

Jim straightened up, his eyes widening as he shook his head and muttered, Oh my goodness!” 

His expression was one of surprise, though it was unclear exactly why

So, calling myself brotherwasn’t too much.” 

Since it referred to Isabelle as Big Sister, referring to him as a brother seemed appropriate

It was unclear if he genuinely disliked it or was just playing along

Jim then directed, I’m going to get breakfast; go on your patrol.” 

As the robot was about to leave, George stopped it and asked, Besides big sister,’ what else does my wife want you to call her?” 

The robot answered, No comment

In a quiet, threatening tone, George warned, Believe me, I can make her change 


Chapter 474 Big Sister 

The robot shot back, You have no authority.” 

George retorted, You are using my voice, yet you claim I have no right?” 

The robot replied, I’m sorry, Boss! My Lord!” 

The robot liked its voice and knew that Isabelle also liked it. Immediately, it demonstrated its ability to be both flexible and adaptable


Initially, George thought the robot was backing off, but then he realised it was. actually responding to his query

Boss? My Lord

George almost reacted like Jim, a bit taken aback by the robot’s responses

With a suppressed smile, he sent the robot out on patrol

Today was significant, as George’s team was scheduled to deliver a batch of weapons and bombmaking materials. Awakened by the robot, Isabelle got out of bed feeling restless and made her way to the dining room, then to the kitchen to wash her hands

As she heard George’s footsteps approaching, his deep voice softly called out, Big Sister.” 

Isabelle felt a chill down her spine, instantly on high alert. His words were clear, and she was certain she had not misheard him

Turning to face him with a blank expression, she asked, Are you okay?” 

Her reaction was intense and unexpected

It seemed to be the first time she had rebuked George so sharply

The man had overstepped, eagerly using the term without any provocation from 


And yet, he seemed quite pleased with himself

In a tone that mixed innocence with teasing, he explained, George said you liked it when it called you sister, and I meant the robot also named George.” 


Chapter 474 Big Sister 

Isabelle remained silent


Seeing her change in demeanour, George, realising he had struck a nerve, tried to defuse the situation by saying, My apologies. I forgot about its system. malfunction.” 

His attempt to smooth things over, however, only seemed to aggravate the situation further

Unperturbed, Isabelle shook the water off her hands and said, Since you’ve already called me that, you might as well say it again so I can hear it properly.” 

George hesitated, then suggested, Maybe we should use a different term.” 

I don’t mind, so what are you concerned about?Isabelle responded

Despite suspecting it was a trap, George took the bait. He paused briefly before repeating, Big Sister.” 

It seemed like a setup, but she probably wanted to hear it anyway

Isabelle smirked, clearly satisfied

She then teased, Mr. Harris, by calling me that, it makes me feel at least twelve years older.” 

He knew it

Once again, he endured the relentless blow dealt by age


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