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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 475

Resurrecting the Genius Within 

Chapter 475 Take Them Off 

George was distracted during breakfast


On the other hand, Isabelle was untroubled, eating her breakfast and asking him what time the weapons would arrive

The weapons were being delivered not only to them but also to various other locationsstrongholds of Dark Shadow

Isabelle began making preparations

She no longer wanted to delay her revenge against Dark Shadow, even if it meant. facing JOKER, Clubs, and Diamond J, and possibly even a formidable army of clones

She couldn’t wait any longer; the more she delayed, the more passive she would become, especially with family and friends involved. Now, merely appearing in public exposed her to the risk of assassination by Dark Shadow

Even now, staying in this villa, she had to be constantly vigilant for the next suicide. bomber or 

Some other unforeseen event

And then there was George, who had already spent too much of his own time on her

After finishing breakfast, they came out

As a robot entered from outside and saw Isabelle, its electronic eyes softened, and using George’s voice, it said, Good morning. Big Sister.” 

Isabelle gave it a cold look. Shut up.” 

This anger was clearly mostly directed at George

George, following behind, dared not breathe too loudly and lightened his steps, trying to make himself less noticeable

Upon reaching Isabelle’s room, George had not even stopped walking when he heard her say. Take them off.” 

George wondered. Take what off?” 


Chapter 475 Take Them Off 

He thought, Take what off? My clothes



Uncertain, he made an inquiry through his actions, looking down at his clothes and then back up at Isabelle

He received confirmation from her composed and unhurried gaze

George’s breath hitched, and he blinked, asking, Is there something you need?Take off my clothes? Why

His heartbeat uncontrollably accelerated, and his thoughts spiralled

Isabelle replied, Didn’t you say robots were boring and tell me not to play with them but with you instead? Are you having second thoughts now?” 

George scrutinised her expression

He understood Isabelle well enough to know that her asking him to undress was not about taking their relationship to a deeper level or exploring something he wanted. This was not going to be a tender moment

At that moment, George could not determine why she wanted him to undress, but the mere suggestion carried a load of ambiguity and suggestive implications

Even if it was not about delving into their feelings, George was open to enhancing the atmosphere between them, which might also foster their relationship

Besides, it seemed he could not really refuse her now

Sure enough, Isabelle’s tone left no room for refusal. What are you dawdling for?” 

I’ll just lock the door,George said

Yves was right next door, and there was no telling when he might wake up and come knocking. Any loud noise was likely to be picked up by Yves, and George definitely wanted to avoid any interruptions.. 

Additionally, Yves had a tendency to exaggerate his injuries, which had been. frustrating George lately. Thankfully, applying medicine to Isabelle at night. offered him some relief

Living under someone else’s roof and confronting Yves directly was not wise. So, George chose to avoid any contact with him


Chapter 475 Take Them Off 

He locked the door and returned

Shall I take my clothes off?he asked

Isabelle responded softly


Swallowing hard, whether from nervousness or something else on his mind, he first removed his jacket under Isabelle’s watchful gaze and walked over to place it on the sofa

Wearing only a white shirt, he looked at Isabelle, meeting her gaze as he 

continued. He raised his hands, unhurriedly unbuttoning the cuffs of both sleeves while maintaining eye contact with her

Once the cuffs were undone, his hands movedup to the collar button but paused. there, and he asked, Are you sure?” 


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