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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 483

Chapter 483 Stubborn Old Fool 

This old guy is really cunning


+5 Pearls 

Isabelle sneered, mocking, Stubborn old fool, afraid of trouble but still wants to save face.” 

Isn’t he just afraid she’ll bring Jim and the others to attack him, so he came up with this trick

Joker said, You and her even talk the same way. I’m getting more excited to finally meet you

I’ll give your friends one week. If they don’t show up within a week, I’ll kill all three of these people

If you say these three can’t threaten you, I can always catch someone who can. I’ve got plenty of patience to play with you

Out of respect for Blood Shadow, I’ll give you a hint: the one you care about the most is with me. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him

Remember to come alone. If I find out you brought anyone else, I promise his fate will be worse than Blood Shadow’s

You’re so smart, and you know her well, so finding me shouldn’t be too hard for you

We’ve been at this for a while, so it’s about time we finally met

Oh, and I have an old friend of yours here. I bet you’ll want to see her, and I can’t wait to watch you two face off

I’ll be waiting.” 

The screen cut off, and Joker disappeared

Old friend? Everyone there knew exactly who he meant

Yves said to Isabelle, I won’t allow you to risk yourself to save those irrelevant people.” 

Isabelle ignored him. We only have a week, and it’s a long journey. Get ready.” 

Yves was shocked. You want us to go save them?” 

Isabelle replied, Whether we save them or not, it’s time to end this.” 

Yves said, We should wait until we’re healed.” 

George, looking serious, asked her, Are you really going alone?” 

Isabelle looked at him. Got a better idea? This was bound to happen sooner or later.” 

Yves’s face darkened. I don’t agree, and I won’t let you go save people I don’t even know.” 

I hate being threatened more than anything. That old fool thinks he can threaten me with three worthless lives. It’s ridiculous.” 

Isabelle said, You’re injured. You don’t need to go. I’ll arrange for someone else to go.” 


13:08 Fri 12 Jul 

Chapter 483 Stubborn Old Fool 

+5 Pearls 

Yves, agitated, shouted, Are you trying to piss me off? If you go, can you even come back alive? You’re walking into a death trap.” 

Isabelle confidently told him, I can.” 

Yves, frustrated, yelled, You can? They’ve set a trap for you to dic!” 

Jim added, I also don’t agree with you going to die. This feud needs to be settled, but even though we can’t take them down one by one like before, at least wait until you’re fully healed before facing them.” 

Isabelle stayed silent

Seeing her like that, Yves didn’t bother trying to talk her out of it anymore. Okay, you’re set on walking into trouble? I’ll go with you. If we’re going down, we’ll go down together.” 

After pulling an allnighter and dealing with one problem after another, followed by hours of intense surgical operations, and then having her mood disrupted by the chief of Dark Shadow, Isabelle was feeling pretty annoyed

George, who had been silent until now, spoke up, Did you reach out to Moon Shadow? If we could have an insider in the Dark Shadows, it might be worth reconsidering this battle. There might be some chance of winning.” 

He knew Isabelle would go to save Jack no matter what, even if the odds were against her and even if she knew it was a lost cause

This had all happened before, right

She even went and hurt her eyes for Zack

If she was scared of dying, she wouldn’t be herself. So George, who knew there was no point in trying to talk her out of it, was the calmest one

Instead of trying to stop her, he figured out how to keep her safe

When Isabelle heard this, she looked at him and smiled

George said, You didn’t get any sleep last night, did you? Go get some sleep first, and when you wake up, we’ll discuss things properly.” 

After freshening up and having breakfast, Isabelle went to bed to get some rest

She slept until noon, her phone ringing to wake her up

Ethan Jenkins woke up and called her via video call


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