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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 484

Resurrecting the Genius Within 

Chapter 484 Plan 

Isabelle said, I’ll get them back.” 

After calming Ethan down, Isabelle lay on the bed, lost in thought


+5 Pearls 

Then she got up, left the bedroom, and sat on the floor in front of the table to continue working on the bomb she hadn’t finished

Two days flew by

When Yves and Jim were getting anxious and George was getting restless, finally, Isabelle called them up to brainstorm solutions

The three of them showed up looking like zombies

The Ziegler brothers were summoned too

They gathered around a world map spread out on the table

I know where the Dark Shadowsbases are in Lanovia, Kangaview, and Nigerlore.” 

Finding one in Delhiara might take some time,Isabelle said, just as her phone buzzed with an encrypted 


She glanced at itit was from Moon Shadow

After reading it, Isabelle announced, Found it.” 

She then shared the exact locations of these bases with them, instructing them to take people directly 


For Kangaview and Nigerlore, they had already sent people with weapons earlier to set up ambushes

They’d been holding off until Isabelle recovered from her injuries before they made their move, blowing up all the bases the Dark Shadows could use to weaken their power as much as possible and leave the Dark Shadow leader with nowhere to hide

They were playing defence for now

But their prep work wasn’t for nothing

They had already pinpointed the exact location of the Death Gate.” 

Additionally, they had their eyes on several other bases, and regardless of whether they managed to rescue everyone or if she survived, Isabelle was determined not to let any of them slip away. Whoever they could catch, they would catch

Isabelle turned to Jim, saying, Delhiara is on you.” 

Then she said to Yves, You’re heading to Nigerlore.” 

Then it was the Ziegler brothersturn. Could you two make a trip to Kangaview? Someone will be there to assist you.” 


13:09 Fri, 12 Jul 


Chapter 484 Plan 

She finally looked at George and said, George, Lanovia.” 


+5 Pearls 

No matter what Isabelle said, Yves just didn’t want to go sa 

those unrelated people

But Isabelle made it clear. This wasn’t just about rescuing people. The people had to be saved, and the Dark Shadows had to be wiped out

Isabelle proceeded to mark on the map all the Dark Shadow’s bases, big and small, that she and Moon Shadow knew about. She pinned down their exact spots and filled them in on all the information they had about each base

Then she said, Regardless of whether we rescue everyone, regardless of whether I make it out alive or not, in five days, if you can help me blow up at least one, consider it a win.” 

It would be a shame not to destroy all of the Dark Shadow’s bases, but she had to kill Joker. Everything else would crumble afterwards

Unless absolutely necessary, the Dark Shadows wouldn’t harm Yves, Jim, and George. They simply wanted to get them away from her. This eased Isabelle’s worries about their safety to some extent

Isabelle spent the entire night getting everything sorted out

The following morning, the Ziegler brothers were the first to set off

Jim was also getting ready to leave

He hugged Isabelle and said, We’ve already lost you once. Let’s not go through that again

George said he wants to invite me to your wedding party. I wasn’t too keen on the idea at first, but now


He sure knows how to talk big, huh? Did you punch him?Isabelle asked

Jim chuckled. I was tempted to, especially after he said something even crazier. But I was worried Yves would hear the noise and beat him to a pulp.” 

Isabelle asked, Something even crazier? Like what?” 

Jim replied, I’ll tell you after we deal with the Dark Shadows.” 

Isabelle warned, Be careful.” 

I’ve already talked to Yves. Just say a few words to him. He’ll listen to you,” Jim reassured her

Then he gave her a gentle pat on the back. Take care.” 

Later, Isabelle didn’t go looking for Yves. It wasn’t until evening, with less than four days left until the Dark Shadow Chief’s deadline, that Yves, who seemed to be protesting silently by staying holed up in his room, came to find her

George happened to be going upstairs and caught Yves looking for Isabelle


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