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Resurrection novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Collapse

The day her rule ends and his game begins.....

28 th june,2018



Thunder Pack

Time 11:05

5 minutes before the attack.....

I am sitting on the rocks of Ishim river

Thinking of how beautifull this flowing water looks like to a bystander who is unaware of it's deadly strength to drown the biggest and strongest of beings .

Beautiful things are pleasing but once you mess with them they can be dangerous as well

Just like Xavier .

In the silence of night under the canopy of trees I looked at the full moon shining bright up in the sky.

My peace went haywire when a loud houl was heard.

Within seconds I started receiving multiple mindlinks

"Alpha north border is under attack..!"

"Your highness huge number of wolfs are attacking the east side!!"

"Alpha we are outnum-"

Among all these voices Marcu's voice stood out the most

"Your highness please come back!! You are not safe there!! Hurry!! 1000's of wolfes are heading your way!!"

In between these urgent pleas in my head I heard the loud footsteps of wolves approaching me

The ground was shaking showing their number and strength.

What should I do!!

Running was not option

"Everyone move towards the underground tunnel...now!!!!Marcus stay there and help everyone escape..!! All warriors head back towards the centre of our territory....unify all the forces....territory loss does not matter only prioritise your pack members lives!! Move!!"

I mindlinked my entire pack listening to their shaky response in return

"Don't fear!!! The underground tunnel beginning from the chamber in my room will lead you all to our 2nd territory located 20 km south of Ishim river...hurry.I want everyone safe!!"

After ordering everyone I made my way towards the river.

These strong currents were my only option

I backed against a big rock and as soon as the wolfes appeared I fully submerged my body under the cold waters.










My lungs could no longer hold on I resurfaced my face to catch air but as my head came out I saw the end of my pack...

Thousands of wolfes were there ready to kill whosoever entered their view

I had no hope that my pack will survive

But I just hope my pack members do.

I again went under water but when I resurfaced I saw that majority of the wolfes went further only 5 of them stood there sniffing the air.

One of the wolfes eyes met mine and my breathing stopped that instant


"Your highness 90% of the pack members are safe....they escaped through the tunnel ...we are closing the gates...please hurry!! I am here waiting for you outside your chamber"

".....your highness are you there!!!"

"You leave and close the gates Marcus!"

I mindlinked him

The wolf headed towards me slowly ready to pounce at me

Because of fear I stepped back making my body fall into the flowing current behind.

The current was very strong

I tried to grab the branches and rocks that came in my way but they only lead to scrapping of my hands and arms.

I felt numb

My mind was not able to think straight

But then a sudden force at me chest made me stop.

My whole body screamed in pain at the sudden impact


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