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Resurrection novel Chapter 18

"Ezraaa please answer me...are you okay!!!!!"

Markus again mindlinked me

I focussed and was able to send him my last link

"Don't wait for me..you leave and close the tunnel.."

"But Ezraa you???"

"I have some debts to pay untill then you rule the small empire we created"


With this I closed the mindlink

Xavier stood above me looking down

I refused to look up at him as I lacked the courage .

I closes my eyes but then

I felt his breath at my neck making me shiver

"This was the right place where you belonged dear mate.....here at my feet shivering and trembling with fear....Such a fool I was to raise you when you never deserved to...."

His words were sharp knives piercing my heart but I also knew I deserved them.

He stood in front of me and looked at me while I refused to look at him

Next his cold hands grabbed my neck and made me look up at him...

"Pretty but sadly a veil to your true intensions"

He said looking at my eyes

His grip on my neck tightened making teardrops escape my eyes

But his expression didn't change

He looked ready to kill me any instant.

"Your highness her injuries may catch infection ....please if you would let me treat them..."

A person came having multiple bottles with him

He stopped him by holding up his hand

"Is she a pack member Doctor?"


The doctor replied

"Is she an ally?"


"Then I don't think she deserves a treatment"

My body was screaming in pain and his refusal was making me desperate

to get rid of this pain.

Please make this pain go away!!

Then he ordered

"Give me the bottle of methyl alcohol!"

What no!!! It is very painfull!!

Before I could protest a bottle full of it was thrown on my bleeding arms and shoulders making me scream in pain.


I continued to scream in pain as the piercing pain entered my body

Overflowing tears of pain escaped my eyes

My body rolled to the ground in pain and as my head hit the ground I continued to roll to different sided trying to escape this unbearable excruciating pain I never felt in my body.

I continued to scream till my throat turned sour and those loud screams turned into painfull whimper 's

Soon I lost the strength to stay conscious and that inbearable pain made me loose my consciousness .


He stood there staring at her crying and screaming at his feet.

Her screams continued to echo in the dark forest around and every wolf standing there felt pity for her ecept him.

Soon her screams died and she laid there on the ground unconscious.


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