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Resurrection novel Chapter 25

On the verge of insanity

I did what he said

I maintained my sanity till now but for how long

How long will I have to watch them loving each other in front of me

How long will I have to suffer those pains while they enjoyed their nights

For how long will these injections of wolfsbane numb my pains

Every thing has a breaking point and my saturation point is today

I was sitting in the attic of the pack house

Empty bottles of Alcohol surrounded me and I reeked of sweat and Alcohol

My face had dried tears because of crying all night

The clothes I wore were 3 days old showing stains of mud and tears

I don't know the countless times my white t shirt has been dried with tears with new ones soaking it once again

My red puffy dull eyes were fixed on the the small box tv which was viewing the live telecast of the warewolf king Xavier nights ceremony

"The king is yet to make appearance while the guests have arrived..I am satanding here in the ceremony grounds with Mr Smith aka the Alpha of Alpine pack with me...

So Alpha Smith..can you tell us something about our new queen ..we are all very eager to meet her..

Well I only met her once during a dinner but she did left a good impression..I mean who won't love her..she is smart,intelligent,sweet and beautiful

Xavier is a lucky man..I must say

Thank you Mr Smith for giving us your valuable time

So here reporting live from the ceremony grounds is Shelly on news Wolfline"

I have been here in the attic since last 24 hours

Drowning in my sorrows away from my mates happy world

And you know what the worst part is

No one even bothered to search for me

No one cared enough to see I was missing

Not that there are many people who cared for a criminal maid like me but still I expected someone to.

Even he didn't cared where I was

I guess he was busy planning his honeymoon plans with her

Who was I to him anyways?

Just a cursed mate....a disgrace...a murderer

I gulped another bottle of Alcohol allowing it to burn my throat.

I always used wolfsbane to relieve my pain but not today

Today I wanted to feel it all

To feel it till I reached my breaking point

Till I surrendered.

But before that  I must do one thing

I have to give it a last try

Even if I have to beg I have to do it.

I made my way downstairs with stumbling feet

As I entered the corridor bright light entered my eyes makimg me blind for a minute

I couldn't stand not knowing anything around me

I landed on the red carpet and started laughing at myself

I guess Alcohol did work on wolfes

But am I a wolf??

No nooo

That's why I feel drunk because I am a human!!

I am not a wolf that's why alcohol worked on me

I lifted myself up giggling like crazy shouting

"Congratulations!!! Congratulations to everyone!!!!King got his Queen!!!"


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