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Resurrection novel Chapter 5

Everyone around looked as shocked as I was .

When Kylie asked Eric to clear all doubts

"Xavier Black as in THE XAVIER BLACK, is he coming here?"

"Yes !! He is joining tomorrow "

Girls started shouting like crazy

But I was oblivious

my blood went cold on hearing this news

No, he can't be here



My plans will be ruined with his arrival

Xavier Black

Son of. Black

With looks of a Greek god

But deeds as evil as the devil

He was known to kill without mercy

Cries of pain thrilled him while cries of mercy irritated him

He didn't trust anyone except himself

He didn't love anyone except himself

He had no enemies as no one dared to get on his bad side

He had no friends as no one dared to joke with him

He was the most powerful wolf who trained each day of his life to reach where he is today

People adored him not for his position but for his strength

He was a merciless beast

With no heart

No emotions and

No mercy

Girls wished to be his mate but he ignored them with hate

Girls cried for his attention but he only used them like tissues to be dumped as waste.

He was the only person I was scared of

He was more deadly and powerful than his father

My revenge plan was going smooth

Till this news made it go Haywire

Xavier king was the only obstacle to my path

Eric was staring at my scared face with a smirk on his lips

He knew I was afraid of Xavier and he was enjoying this

He made his way towards me and whispered in my ear

"Your punishment has not even started yet, Xavier will teach you a lesson not to mess with his family especially his dear friend, he will break you into so many pieces that you will be a broken soul disliked by all!

Get ready cupcake because from tomorrow onwards each day of yours will resemble hell!"

With this, he was gone leaving me afraid for the first time after so long

Everyone around me was cheering on his arrival whereas I was dreading the day I decided to disrespect Eric to get on the bad side of not only him but also my future Alpha king.

Now only time will tell.

Next day.....

Today there was a different atmosphere in the school

Girls were dolling up with makeup, some were literally jumping with excitement, some were even pulling up their skirts waist to show off their long legs.

Boys were gossiping about him, warning each other not to mess with him, to respect him.

Not only students but even teachers were excited about his arrival

It looked like a king was arriving

Which was true as Xavier King was our future king

Our first period started and I felt relaxed knowing that he hasn't arrived yet.

But this was very short-lived

The next second Eric entered the room

His next words made everyone stand up on their feet in attention position.

"He is here!"

The teacher herself stood up and bowed down to him while he was standing outside the door


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