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Resurrection novel Chapter 6

"Xav she is defiant I am telling you!"

"Eric you saw her, she was so scared, I don't think she is capable of even speaking to me let alone defy me"

"Okay then lets provoke her to see "

"Eric do whatever you want to, I am busy right now "

"Okay! But please come to the canteen in the lunch time to see the show"

I ignored him and continued my work.

After completing my work I went towards the canteen to get something to eat.

As I entered I saw a circle of students gathered around something rather someone.

They saw me and cleared the way for me.

What I saw was unexpected

Eric was enraged with anger, his aura had a deadly vibe to it and his eyes were fixed on his target which was struggling to break free.

Erics hand was squeezing her tender neck leaving huge red marks on it and breaking her air supply

She was struggling under his grip,she was desperate for release

As desperate as a goldfish in a leaking bag.

But her strength was of no match.

Eric lost his temper just like usual and I knew if I didn't stop him now he will end up killing her.


The strength of my command made him look at me

"Leave her.....now!!"

He instantly followed my command making her small body land on the ground with a thud.

She held her neck trying to soothe herself while coughing continuously.

My eyes met Eric's and he looked down ashamed that he again couldn't control his temper.

I have scolded him multiple times to control his temper before but he fails again and again.

This time he knew his failure will have consequences.

I stepped near him and continued to stare at him but he refused to meet my eyes.

"Xa-....... Alpha ...she....she..disrespected King Alger...I couldn't hear her disrespect uncle like this...."

I was calm till now but hearing this new information my blood started boiling.

My Dad is the only person I respect the most in my life and if this girl disrespected him she will regret the day she was born.

I turned around and made my way towards her.

She was laying at my feet struggling to get up.

I pulled her up from her arm harshly making her look into my angry hazel ones.

"What did you say?"

She was furious

I could feel it

Eric actually provoked her but she was stupid enough to get provoked and influenced

Now she was showing defiance

Her eyes were staring at me with a new found confidence

That kind of confidence when you know you are right.

"The truth"

She said with coldness in her voice

Her voice was strong unlike her physique.

And for a second I admired her bravery.

"Speak up this truth!!"

"Speak up!!"

My voice boomed in the canteen making everyone step back in fear

But she stood her ground

"The same truth that everyone has forgotten over years, the truth which is veiled by your lies!!


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