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Resurrection novel Chapter 8

The biggest fear a child has is of getting lost and loosing his parents.

I experienced it at a very young age of 6 when my world collided with his.

Flash back

The thunder was striking and the swords were clashing.

Mama was holding me tightly in her arms shielding my eyes from the inhuman acts going on around me.

Screams of pain around me were making me fear only one thing


Not mine, no I didn't cared for myself as much as I cared for them

They were my life

And without them I was no one

They were my mama and daddy

And I feared their death

"Ezra baby go with uncle Dan ,I will meet you in a few minutes at our favourites place


She said looking into my blue eyes

I refused to leave her still clinging onto her not releasing my grip

"No mama!!!! Please take me with you!!!"

"Mama loves you sweety and I will never leave you

I promise I will meet you there

Please don't be stubborn

You have to go!

"Noooo mama!!! Please!!"

"Ezra I need to help your daddy!!

Please just go!

She kissed my teary eyes and handed me over to uncle Dan

"I love you sweety

And no matter what happens today we will always be there to protect you

We both will always love you"

With this uncle Dan took me away from mama who turned around to fight with daddy against evil.

It was raining cats and dogs

We both were drenched from head to toe but uncle still refused to stop.

"Uncle Danny!! We need to go back!! They need us

Please stop!"

"Ezra we need to reach...-"

Uncle was looking at something in front of him

I lifted my face from his chest to look at what he was seeing

There in front stood 7 people with scary faces and swords covered in blood.

Uncle Dan placed me down and shielded me behind him

" stay put"

He went forward to fight but when I saw swords tearing his skin and his body landing on the ground my legs started moving back automatically.

"Ezraa run!!"

I turned back and started running towards mamma and daddy

Tears were streaming down my cheeks continuously as my tiny legs were running seeking safety.

I could see those bad people with sword following me

The heavy rain was making it difficult to look ahead but I continued

When my legs could no longer hold my weight I found shelter in a tree bark.

My small body managed to fit inside it

My quivering body and clittering teeth were unstoppable

With each passing second I was loosing my strength

Happy faces of mama and daddy were the only things which were making me to hold on

Few minutes more Ezra

Just hold on.



I don't remember when I lost conscious

When I woke up I was met with silence

Thunder has stopped and it seemed to be as peaceful as the day started

But I knew it will never be the same

I came out from my hideout and started going towards our favourite place where mama asked me to meet her.

I knew the way

It was just a miles walk from here

I reached my destination to see her but was met with nothing.

This beautiful lake was our meeting point and my favourite place.

Mama promised me

She will never leave me


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