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Resurrection novel Chapter 9

I was not normal

I realised this till now

Those blue lights I saw around me eliminating from my body were far from normal.

There was something about me which even I didn't know and this was scaring me .

Am I ill?

Am I even a wolf?

Or Am I just a human?

I was standing in front of the mirror staring at the thunder birth mark on my chest.

Mom asked me to hide it from everyone but she never told me why?

The mark I beared was never heard of before.

No one was ever born with special marks .

Then why was I?

Was I a freak of nature?

I looked at my face in the mirror to see blue eyes staring back at me

Blue just like the clour of light that surrounded me in the forest that day .

I closed my eyes remembering the day

Moon goddess what am I??

Please tell me!!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone else enter the room.

Only when warm hands engulfed me from behind and his strong cologne entered my sense receptors I opened my eyes to see his hazel ones staring at me in the mirror.

He was towering over me with his 6'2 frame and I felt trapped under him

I could feel his breath on my neck from behind and this made me weak on my knees .

His hands on my waist kept me steady and my body was relying on him for support.

He was analysing the territory he will be marking.

The skin which will be bearing his royal mark

Mark of Xavier King

I felt extremely uncomfortable

This is not what I want

But every muscle in my body is contradicting me

Asking me to lean closer to him,to rely on him to feel his touch.

I try to loosen his grip on my waist but my strength was no match to his.

Instead his grip on my waist tightened  and my back was pushed back against his chest.


My voice was as desperate as my attempts to move away from him


His voice was as strong and firm as his grip on me.

He placed soft kisses on my neck making me close my eyes .

My body was enjoying his touch and there was no doubt left that he was my true mate.

"You are different.."

He said making me open up my eyes to stare at his face in the mirror

"No scent,no sparks ,no healing power and ......no wolf  "

I was schocked to hear this

No one was able to find out till now that I didn't had a wolf

I used to lie to everyone saying my wolf is weak so I don't have a scent.

And they all believed it.

But he didn't

I didn't even tell him my lies and he already knew the truth.

"Ezra Willson an  omega in silver cross pack since 6 years of age ,wolf never seen, strength never displayed and parents not known "

His head lifted from my neck and he stared at me through the mirror


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