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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 36

Aria cautiously made her way through the dense woods, a myriad of thoughts swirling in her mind. Each step she took felt heavy with uncertainty, the weight of conflicting emotions bearing down on her. How could Lucas, a wolf she had only known for a few weeks, possibly be telling the truth? The idea seemed preposterous to her. After all, she had grown up under the care of Gabriel, someone who had been there for her throughout her entire life.
Despite her skepticism, Aria couldn't shake off the nagging thoughts that plagued her. Her inquisitive nature refused to let things be, always seeking answers and unraveling mysteries. It was a quality that had driven her to incessantly read, her thirst for knowledge always propelling her forward. And now, faced with the possibility of an unsettling truth, she knew she wouldn't rest until she discovered it. Aria hoped that whatever the truth held, it wouldn't shatter her sense of self.
Her first instinct was to return to the Moonlight pack. However, two obstacles halted her in her tracks. First, the guilt gnawed at her conscience for attacking JB, a fellow pack member. Second, her wolf, an instinctual force within her, urged her to find their mate. She needed to be with him even though he had rejected her.
As Aria entered the Nightshade pack's territory, an uneasiness settled within her. Something felt amiss, an invisible shift in the air. Her senses heightened as she surveyed the surroundings. Then, her heart sank as she witnessed a heart-wrenching scene unfold before her eyes. Tyler fell to the ground with a pained groan, while fear etched itself on Kira's face.
Aria's eyes closed instinctively, her voice reaching out to her mate in desperation. "Knox," she called out, her words laced with urgency. She could feel her wolf stir within, a deep connection guiding her. "Knox, I know you can hear me. Julian is here," she pleaded, her voice carrying the weight of concern and love.
Her body tensed, ready to rush forward and confront the danger that loomed, but before she could make a move, she felt a vice-like grip encircle her throat. A cold shiver ran down her spine as Seraphina tightened her grip. The pressure on her neck intensified, Seraphina's sharp claws digging into her flesh. Aria's breathing became labored as her vision blurred, her voice reduced to a strained whisper. "Where do you think you're going, sister?" Seraphina hissed, her voice dripping with malice.
Knox's hand, frozen in mid-air, tightened into a fist as a deep growl reverberated through his chest. The name that escaped his lips carried a mixture of urgency and protectiveness. "Aria." The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of her presence. Ryder snapped his head upwards, his eyes narrowing with concern. "What did you say?"
"Aria is here," Knox replied through gritted teeth, his voice laced with a potent combination of worry and determination. "And she is not alone." His wolf paced restlessly within, sensing the danger that loomed in the shadows. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders as he turned to his trusted Beta and Gamma, their expressions mirroring his own intensity. "Julian is here too."
Ryder eyes widened in disbelief. "How did they manage to breach our borders?" With the sentinels at the border doubled, it was supposed to be almost impossible to penetrate without at least alerting them.
Knox's gaze darkened, the feral fire within his eyes intensifying. "They want a battle and we will give them one." His words held a mixture of steely determination and fierce resolve. The challenge had been laid before them, and he would not back down.
Julian, his voice dripping with mockery, tightened his grip around Kira's neck. Sadistic amusement danced in his eyes as he taunted Knox. "Knoxy, I have a little present for you. Come out, come out wherever you are." His voice dripped with venomous satisfaction.
Unfazed by the taunting, Knox strode forward, his Beta and Gamma behind him. His towering presence radiated dominance, his alpha vibes emanating like waves of power. He met Julian's gaze, his voice laced with an unwavering confidence. "Release her, Julian. This fight is between you and me."
Julian shook his head in amusement, his lips curving into a sinister smile. "But you see, Knox, you are mistaken. You are nothing to me. This territory now belongs to me. Either submit and accept me as your Alpha, or prepare to meet your demise."
Boredom etched onto Knox's face, he regarded Julian with an air of indifference. "Why are you wasting my time? I have more important things to do than stand her and listen to you bore me. Let her go, take your wolves and go and tell that coward Nikolai to stop hiding behind you."
Nikolai's wolf stepped forward, growling menacingly.
A smile played on Knox's lips, tinged with a hint of mockery. "Why do you stand before me in your wolf form, like a common sentinel? Have you stooped so low as to become one of Nikolai's followers? I thought you were meant to be an all-powerful Alpha." Knox's voice dripped with mock pity as he shook his head, a gesture filled with a sense of superiority. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."
With calculated precision, Knox unleashed his plan, knowing exactly how to draw out Nikolai to act. It didn't take long for the final straw to break the wolf's resolve. A primal growl escaped Nikolai's throat as he lunged forward, succumbing to his base instincts.
Bones cracked and muscles rippled as Knox, Ryder, and Jacob shifted seamlessly into their wolf forms, their bodies expanding and transforming into powerful creatures of instinct and raw strength. Their sentinels, loyal and attuned to their every move, followed suit, mirroring the transformation.
The air crackled with energy as the clash of titans drew near. The forest stood witness to the impending battle, its ancient trees casting long shadows upon the battleground. Moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting an ethereal glow on the shifting forms and intensifying the tension in the air.
With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the night, the wolves lunged at each other, a tempest of fur and fangs. Snarls and growls filled the clearing, intermingling with the rustle of leaves and the thudding of paws against the pack ground. Muscles strained, sinewy bodies collided, and teeth gnashed, each combatant driven by their unwavering determination to protect what they held dear.
Knox's movements were a fluid symphony of power and precision against Nikolai's wolf. His massive frame danced with deadly grace, evading and parrying attacks with a calculated finesse. His strength was matched only by his tactical acumen, as he strategically targeted his opponents' vulnerabilities, exploiting every opening with lethal accuracy.
Ryder fought with a controlled ferocity. His lithe form weaved effortlessly through the chaos, his agility and speed unmatched. With each swipe of his claws, he defended his pack and struck back with a calculated vengeance, leaving his adversaries reeling in his wake.
Beside them, Jacob, the unwavering Gamma, unleashed a torrent of brute force upon his opponents. His immense size and raw power were unleashed in a symphony of devastating blows, each strike resounding with the force of a thunderclap. He fought with an unwavering loyalty, a guardian protecting those who depended on him.
The clash of wills and the symphony of violence echoed through the forest, the intensity escalating with each passing moment. Blood stained the ground, mingling with the earth as testament to the high stakes of the battle. The wolves fought with a relentless determination, their bodies bearing the scars of their struggle, yet their resolve unyielding.
The battle raged on, the ebb and flow of dominance shifting with each passing moment. The forest held its breath, the very essence of nature vibrating with the raw energy of the clash. And in that crucible of chaos and determination, the destiny of the pack hung in the balance.
Finally time came to a still, as two wolves circled each other.
The battle stopped for a moment, all the wolves waiting for fight which was to occur.
Julian's wolf snarled angrily at Knox, his claws scratching the floor, waiting to attack.
Knox's wolf surveyed him, calculating each movement. Julian let out a howl and then his wolf attacked.
Aria's mind raced as she watched the battle unfold before her, her instincts urging her to fight back, to break free from Seraphina's hold as the grip tightened around her neck.
"Would you look at that? It seems like today will be the end of Knox. It is such a shame but don't worry, you will join him soon."
She struggled against the suffocating grip, summoning her inner strength.
"Let go of me Seraphina." Aria choked out.
Seraphina laughed, "What are you going to do if I don't. I should have pulled out your throst a long time ago you annoying bitch. You just had to have everything didn't you? It doesn't matter anymore."
With a surge of determination, Aria gathered her remaining energy and launched a desperate counterattack.
As their struggle intensified, the moon cast its ethereal glow upon the battleground, illuminating the fierce clash of wills. The air crackled with tension, the scent of danger intermingling with the earthy aroma of the surrounding forest. Aria's every fiber screamed for liberation, her very existence hinging on her ability to break free
With a surge of primal ferocity, Aria managed to pry Seraphina's hand.
In a swift motion, Aria lunged forward, her movements guided by a potent mix of adrenaline and desperation. Claws clashed against claws as the two sisters engaged in a fierce battle, their bodies a blur of fur and fury. The moonlight danced upon their intertwined forms, casting a haunting glow on the scene.
Each strike held a weight of history, the deep-rooted resentment between them fueling their fight. It was a clash of not just physical strength, but of emotions and long-standing wounds that had festered over time. Aria's determination to protect those she cared for surged within her, empowering her to push beyond her limits.
As the struggle raged on, the forest bore witness to their volatile dance. Leaves rustled beneath their paws, and the scent of earth mingled with the tang of blood. The wilderness seemed to hold its breath, the ancient trees standing as silent spectators to the unfolding drama.
With every blow, Aria's resolve solidified. She would not allow her sister's malevolence to prevail. As their battle reached its crescendo, a surge of newfound strength coursed through her veins. Drawing upon the deep well of courage that resided within her, Aria delivered a decisive strike.
As Seraphina stumbled backward, her disbelief transformed into a brewing storm of fury and hatred. Her eyes, widened with a mixture of anger and malice, locked onto Aria, who stood amidst the chaos. Aria's chest heaved with exertion, her body pulsating with the determination to protect, not to harm.
"Seraphina, please," Aria pleaded, her voice filled with a blend of urgency and compassion. "I don't want to hurt you. This doesn't have to end in violence."
A malicious laugh escaped Seraphina's lips, her features contorted with a cruel satisfaction. "Hurt me? Oh Aria, you have no idea. By the time I'm through with you, you'll wish you were never born. You never should have existed in the first place."
With a chilling transformation, Seraphina transformed into her wolf form.
Aria's gaze flickered with a sense of fear. But her attention was swiftly pulled away by a sharp, searing pain that sliced through her consciousness.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she turned her attention to the battlefield, her eyes widening with horror as she witnessed the unfolding scene. Julian raised his paw, his intent clear. With a swift and calculated strike, he delivered a devastating blow to Knox's wolf form, causing crimson droplets of blood to spill onto the forest floor. Aria's throat tightened, and an anguished cry escaped her lips. "Knox!"
In that moment, an eruption of emotions surged within Aria, overpowering her senses. She felt the fierce, primal essence of her wolf clawing at the surface, yearning to be set free. With a release of breath, she surrendered to the wave of transformation that surged through her veins, giving in to the long-suppressed desires of her soul and she finally shifted.


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