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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 37

Seraphina lunged at Aria's wolf and in one move, the wolf raised her paw, slicing against Seraphina.
The mark of the moon goddess shone through her fur, reflecting under the moonlight just as the paw came down on Seraphina skin.
In an instant, Seraphina shifted back to her woman wolf.
Aria's wolf snarled at her sister's unconscious body ready to finish the job but she felt another sharp pain across her side.
Mate. She turned around and raced in his direction.
Knox wolf continued to fight aggressively but he was getting weaker.
Julian was not the more powerful wolf yet he was winning. The wolf snarled at Knox ready to attack again but an angry growl sounded behind them.
Fur as white as snow, silver gray eyes that carried a wave of fire and animosity, the wolf prowled towards them with grace.
The battle that has started again stopped as the magnificent wolf made her way through.
The wolf glanced in his direction for a brief second as a flicker of recognition crossed the wolf's mind.
The air crackled with anticipation as Aria's wolf towered over the battleground, moving steadily to stand beside her mate. Her eyes, blazing with a mix of determination and protectiveness, met Julian's gaze with an unwavering intensity. The power of her transformation surged through her, amplifying her senses and sharpening her instincts. She growled again, issuing a challenge.
Knox wolf let out a loud howl and without a second more, the two wolves moved at Julian with a speed that defied nature. Every muscle flexed with controlled force as they closed the distance, closing in on their target. Knox's jaws opened wide, baring razor-sharp teeth that glistened in the moonlight, ready to defend what was rightfully his.
The clash was cataclysmic, a tempest of fur and fury that echoed through the forest. Snarls and growls reverberated through the trees, blending with the rustle of leaves and the pounding of paws against the earth. Aria's wolf fought with a ferocity that belied her tender years, channeling an inner strength she had only begun to discover.
Her claws struck with precision, her movements guided by an uncanny force to protect her mate.
Ryder and the Nightshade wolf fought with a renewed strength, within minutes the battle turned in their favor.
Inside the pack house, tension hung heavy in the air, intertwining with the scent of anticipation. Shana paced restlessly, her every step echoing through the room, a reflection of the turmoil within her. The walls seemed to close in, suffocating her with a sense of helplessness.
Sophia, her voice laced with concern, called out to Shana, her words laden with the weight of the situation. "Shana, please, you're making all of us nervous. You need to calm down and stop pacing."
Clicking her tongue in frustration, Shana turned sharply to face Sophia, her eyes filled with a mixture of anxiety and determination. "How can I calm down, Sophia? There is a battle going out there and I am stuck in here. I can't believe Knox wouldn't let me join."
Melody stepped forward, her voice soothing and reassuring. She placed a gentle hand on Shana's shoulder, trying to ease her restlessness. "Listen, Shana, they will be fine. Knox is the strongest wolf I know, and he's leading the charge alongside Ryder and the other sentinels. We have to trust in their abilities."
As the words left Melody's lips, Lydia at the mention of her mate, rose from her seat. The worry etched on her face was a testament to the deep connection she shared with Ryder. "I can feel him," Lydia confessed, her voice carrying a hint of anguish. "He's out there fighting, but he's injured. I can feel his pain."
Sarah, who had remained silent until now, let out a weary sigh. Her voice held a tinge of pessimism, reflecting the harsh reality they faced. "The truth is, we don't have enough wolves. With the combined forces of the Silvercrest and Bloodmoon packs, the odds may not be in our favor. We must acknowledge the possibility of defeat."
The weight of Sarah's words settled heavily upon the room, the atmosphere growing stifling. But Shana, her patience worn thin, lashed out, her irritation finally boiling over. "Yes, Sarah, we all know that. We understand the odds stacked against us. But could you at least try to be less pessimistic? We need hope, not constant reminders of what could go wrong. Everyone knows you are a bitch but now is not the perfect time to exert the bitchiness."
Nicole growled, her voice dripping with defiance. "Don't you dare talk to my mother like that, Shana or else there is going to be a battle right here and you won't like the outcome of it."
Shana's eyes blazed with a fiery determination, her voice sharp with challenge. "Are you challenging me, Nicole?"
Sensing the brewing conflict, Sophia quickly interposed herself between the two, her voice resonating with authority. "This is not the time or place for this.We need to focus on supporting each other."
Nicole unleashed a malicious laugh, her eyes gleaming with contempt. ""If it isn't the reformed Sophia. Stepping in to protect your new friend I see. You are pathetic Soph. Because Knox got tired of fucking you, you went for Mark. Are you really that desperate—"
The slap that resounded through the room cut through Nicole's venomous words, startling everyone into stunned silence. Sophia stood there, her hand still suspended in the air, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and hurt. "Listen to me, and listen well. Yes, Nicole, we may be friends, but that doesn't give you the right to insult me. I admit I was once a bitter and hurt soul, lashing out at those around me. But I've grown, I've changed. I realized that living in resentment and bitterness was no way to truly live and I am getting mated to Mark because I want to."
Sophia's voice, though firm, carried a tinge of vulnerability as she addressed the room.She glanced around, her gaze sweeping over the faces of her packmates, challenging anyone to challenge her.
"And if there is anyone here who has anything to say about it," she continued, her voice unwavering, "then come say it to my face."
Silence engulfed the room, broken only by the soft sounds of breathing. The wolves exchanged uncertain glances, caught off guard by Sophia's commanding presence and fierce determination. No one dared to challenge her in that moment, for they could feel the power emanating from her, a force that demanded respect.
Nicole, her eyes still widened in disbelief as she gingerly held her stinging cheek, seemed momentarily speechless. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response. But, finally, she stepped back, a mix of anger and humiliation crossing her features.
With an air of defiance, Nicole turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, Sarah following closely behind, her expression conflicted. The tension that had hung heavy in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief and a renewed focus on the battle unfolding outside.
Shana couldn't help but smile, her eyes gleaming with admiration for Sophia's strength. "Wasn't that a powerful speech?" she remarked, a note of pride in her voice.
Sophia's laughter, filled with a mix of amusement and relief, rang through the room. She rolled her eyes playfully at Shana's comment. "Don't start with me," she replied, a hint of playfulness in her tone.
The atmosphere in the pack house grew heavy with worry and confusion as Lydia walked to the window, desperate to catch a glimpse of the battle unfolding outside. Her slender figure stood tall against the backdrop of dimly lit surroundings, her eyes searching the horizon for any sign of the ongoing conflict.
"I still don't understand," Lydia murmured, her voice tinged with frustration. "How were they able to breach our borders without alerting anyone? Ryder informed me that the sentinels at the borders were doubled. Something isn't right. It doesn't add up."
Shana, her mind racing with the same thoughts, nodded in agreement. Her restless pacing had subsided, but her eyes darted around the room, seeking answers. "You're absolutely right," she chimed in. "There was no sign of activity from the Silvercrest pack, according to Jacob. It's as if they knew our positions and plans in advance."
A hushed murmur swept through the room as the wolves contemplated the possibility of betrayal from within their own ranks. And then, like a flickering flame, a voice pierced the silence.
"Maybe they had someone feeding them information," Jamie muttered, her words barely audible. Yet in the tense atmosphere, they reverberated through the room, causing all eyes to turn toward Melody.
Shana, ever the protector, swiftly stepped in front of her friend, her posture reflecting a defiant stance. "Melody has been with me the whole time," she declared, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance.
Sophia, her piercing gaze fixed on Jamie, interjected with a mixture of suspicion and determination. "We were all together, preparing for my mating ceremony," she stated, her voice holding a trace of accusation. She locked eyes with Jamie, her expression challenging. "Isn't it always the first person to point fingers?"
Jamie's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth slightly agape as she struggled to respond. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the tension thick enough to be cut with a knife. Lydia, sensing the need to diffuse the escalating conflict, spoke up with a firm yet gentle tone.
"Enough with the accusations," she implored, her voice carrying the weight of her position as the pack's voice of reason. "We have more pressing matters to attend to than tearing each other down. Our focus should be on finding a solution, not pointing fingers and—"
However, before Lydia could finish her sentence, a sudden commotion disrupted the fragile peace. Jacob, battered and bloody, staggered into the room, his haggard appearance sending shockwaves through the wolves gathered there. Lydia's breath caught in her throat as she hurried to his side, her heart pounding with worry.
Gasps escaped the lips of the pack members as they took in the extent of Jacob's injuries. His naked form was marred with deep claw slashes, his body a testament to the brutality of the battle that had taken place. The scent of blood lingered in the air, mixing with the underlying scent of fear.
Summoning the strength within her, Lydia turned to one of the pack healers, Emily, her voice filled with urgency. "Emily, I need your help," she implored, her eyes never leaving Jacob's weakened form. "We must tend to his wounds immediately."
Jacob managed a weak smile, his voice strained as he spoke through ragged breaths. "Don't worry," he managed to utter before coughing up blood. Lydia's grip tightened on Jacob, her love and concern evident in her eyes. "You have to stay quiet and still," she whispered. "We will take care of you. You're going to be fine."
A flicker of reassurance crossed Jacob's face as he clung to Lydia's words, his strength waning with each passing moment. His voice trembled as he tried to convey his thoughts. "I know," he managed to say, his words strained. "And don't worry... Ryder, he's injured... Ryder is fine, he is injured but you should see Nikolai and some of the other wolves.The moon goddess... I thought we had lost but she sent..." He gasped for breath, his eyelids fluttering, before slipping into unconsciousness.
Outside, the moon shone brightly, casting a silvery glow over the pack territory. The night seemed to hold its breath, waiting for news from the battlefront. Hours stretched on, each passing minute filled with agonizing uncertainty. The pack house buzzed with a sense of restless anticipation, as a few injured wolves returned, the pack healers attending to the wounded.
And then, as dawn approached, the sound of heavy footsteps reverberated through the corridor, slicing through the veil of anxiety. The wolves turned, their hearts pounding with a mix of hope and trepidation, as Knox, battered and bruised but radiating an indomitable spirit, entered the pack house, Ryder behind him and then the two male wolves gave way revealing the female behind them.
A collective gasp escaped Shana and Melody's lips as they shouted, "Aria!"
They tackled her in a hug, the three of them falling to the ground.
Aria's eyes carried a mix of happiness and fear as she regarded them, "I think we have a problem."
All eyes turned to her as she revealed her mark, "It has gone completely black."


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