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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 98

The members of the Nightshade Pack gathered in a clearing bathed in the gentle light of the setting sun. It had been a time of turmoil and uncertainty, but for this moment, all was calm. The air was filled with the harmonious sounds of laughter and conversation. The pack members sat in a loose circle, the bond between them stronger than ever.


Lilian, still frail but conscious, sat beside JB, their hands intertwined. Ryder, who had been recovering remarkably, was leaning against a tree, a contented smile on his face, Lydia as usual, ever since his almost death, glued by his side.


Aria and Knox, the expectant parents, shared a blanket, her head resting on his shoulder.


 Sarah sat close to Aria, her gaze filled with admiration for Luna.


Amidst the camaraderie, Melody, Shana, and Sophia sat together, their close friendship evident in their easy conversation. Melody, with her short, dark hair was recounting a recent event with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.


The gathering was filled with laughter, the shared camaraderie strengthening their bonds. Lilian spoke up, her voice soft but filled with warmth. "I never thought I'd see a day like this. Peace and happiness in our pack."


JB squeezed her hand gently, his eyes filled with love. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"


Ryder nodded, his gaze distant. "And we've faced challenges that tested our strength and unity. But we've emerged stronger because of them."


Aria, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her swollen belly, chimed in. "And our pup, a symbol of our love and unity, has brought us together in ways we never imagined."


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the clearing in hues of twilight, Knox wrapped his arm around Aria, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "No matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together, as a pack. Our unity is our 


Meanwhile, in the corner of the gathering, Jacob sat in quiet contemplation, his gaze shifting from one member to another. He had always been more of an observer, someone who found solace in the margins of the bustling pack life.


Melody, her eyes catching his lingering glance, felt a tug of curiosity. She played with her fingers for a while. Her wolf called out to him, she wanted more than anything to go to him and eventually she gave into her wolf's desire.


"Jacob, can I talk to you for a moment? In private?" Her voice was gentle, an invitation rather than a demand.


A look of surprise closed his face before he nodded silently. They made their way to Melody's room, the atmosphere thick with a sense of anticipation. Once inside, they stood facing each other, the air charged with unspoken questions.


Melody's voice was barely above a whisper. "Jacob, can I see it?"


He met her gaze, his expression guarded. He knew what she was asking for. Without a word, he removed his shirt, revealing the mark on his chest. 


Melody's fingers trembled slightly as she reached out, her touch delicate as she traced the contours of the mark. A low growl rumbled from Jacob's chest, his wolf stirred by the proximity of the female he had desired for so long.


"It's still here," she said softly, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and understanding.


"Melody," Jacob growled, a hint of warning in his tone. His eyes closed briefly, his internal struggle evident.


The room was charged with a potent energy, a delicate dance between desire and restraint. Jacob's wolf yearned for her, while his human side fought to maintain control.


She smiled at him before moving forward. She placed a small kiss on the mark— her mark.


"What?... What are you doing?"


Melody let out a tired sigh, "I don't want to fight it any—"


Jacob smashed his lips on her, cutting her off. His wolf let out a growl as her fingers dug into his recently cut hair.



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