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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 99


The hunters gathered in a dimly lit, cavernous chamber, their faces etched with a sense of urgency. The final battle, the culmination of months of planning and preparation, was upon them. Antonio stood at the front of the assembly, his presence commanding attention.


His voice, firm and unyielding, cut through the charged atmosphere. "The time has come," he declared, his words echoing off the stone walls. "The celestial eclipse approaches, and with it, the moment when the wolves lose their ability to shift. We will strike when they are at their most vulnerable."


The hunters nodded in solemn agreement, their resolve unwavering. They had trained relentlessly for this moment, honing their skills and fortifying their spirits for the battle that loomed on the horizon.


Antonio continued, his voice carrying the weight of their shared purpose. "My orders are clear. We will launch a coordinated attack on all wolf factions. We will spare none of them. Every werewolf must be eliminated."


A hushed silence fell over the assembly as his words sank in. The gravity of their mission hung heavy in the air. They were warriors, driven by a deep-seated hatred for werewolves, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to eradicate them.


But then, a single voice pierced the silence, a question that had been lingering on the minds of many. "What about the child?" It was one of the hunters, her voice laced with uncertainty.


Antonio's gaze turned to her, his eyes cold and unyielding. "That," he said, his tone dripping with resolve, "will be my battle."


A heavy silence followed, the implications of Antonio's statement sinking in. The fate of the child, the one who bore the potential to bring an end to the realm as they knew it, rested solely on Antonio's shoulders. The hunters were well aware of the stakes.


Marcel cleared his throat, his voice a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. "Where is Nicholas?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.


Antonio's eyes hardened, and for a moment, a shadow of frustration crossed his face. "We do not speak of betrayals," he declared, his words final.


Antonio's eyes swept over the assembly, his gaze unwavering, his words carrying the weight of their impending mission. "Listen closely," he said, his voice low and commanding. "This is how we'll proceed."


He began to lay out their intricate plan, detailing each step with precision. The hunters listened intently, their expressions growing increasingly focused as Antonio unfolded the strategy. Their unity and discipline were evident as they absorbed every word, knowing that their success depended on flawless execution.


"We will distribute ourselves across the known wolf factions," Antonio explained. "Each of you will be assigned a specific role. Some will serve as decoys to draw their attention, while others will infiltrate their ranks and as for me, I will go after the pup."


A voice rose from the back, belonging to one of the hunters. "Why not simply kill the pup? Eliminate the threat at its source."

Antonio fixed his steely gaze on the questioner, his response unyielding. "I am a realist," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "Not all wolves will fall. The child is the next weapon. According to the prophecy, it will hold great powers in his hands, and we will use that power to eliminate any wolf that still stands after the eclipse."


Another hunter, emboldened by the discussion, spoke up. "And what if the child isn't born before the celestial eclipse? What then?"


Antonio's lips curled into a calculated smile. "Then we take the mother," he stated matter-of-factly. "We wait until the child is born, and once its purpose has been served, we discard of her. Swiftly."


As he concluded his address, Antonio's eyes bore into each member of the assembly, a silent reminder of their shared mission. "Remember our mantra," he declared, his voice ringing with finality. "Death to all werewolves."


The hunters nodded in grim agreement, their hearts filled with unwavering resolve. The final battle was drawing near, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.




 Rebecca carried her pup, moving around the pack ground with a grace that belied the inner turmoil she concealed. Her ears were attuned to the conversations around her, every word and whisper noted, every secret observed.


Seraphina stood at a corner, watching her. She finally spoke up, her voice tinged with caution, "It's going to end in your death, you know."


Rebecca continued to walk, her steps measured and unhurried. She turned to face Seraphina, her gaze steady, her expression calm. "Then why haven't you sold me out yet? To make the death quicker?"



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