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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

Leo, who was hurryi 

The moment Yan and Lanny locked eyes, Yan’s gaze was instantly filled with monstr haired, and any trace of good feelings be had for Lanny was instantly 


Van coldly glared at Leo before bumping into his shoulder, knocking him to the side With resentment, Yan then quickened 

Leo turne 


and left 

look at Yan, eyes also filling with hatred Unexpectedly, after so many years, Yan had tracked down 

He had no idea what was going through Yan’s mind. Yan loathed him, yet he still insisted on exacting revenge on Lanny, which was laghly contrad 

No matter what Yan was thinking. Deo would no longer allow Yan to bully Lanny as he had done before. 

Leo retracted las gaze, turning to walk towards the ward. Upon seeing the injury on Lanny, the hatred in his eyes dissipated, replaced by concerni 

“Tanny, how are you?” 

Lanny shook her head Seeing that Leo’s face was also hurt, she asked worriedly. “What happened to you?” 

Len was a bat embarrassed and touched the se 

Jas face 

That night. Mr. Jackman forbade i from following ham, yet out of worry, Leo still trailed him clandestinely 

Upon seeing Mr. Jackman enter the cemetery, he surmised that he wanted to talk to Miss Sales, so he reframed from following hum 

But not long after, Wanda’s people suddenly carried Mr. Jackman out 

Upon seeing Mr. Jackman unconscious and his wrist covered in blood, he thought they had inflicted harm on him. 

Ruslung up, he attempted to snatch Mr. Jackman, but failed and was subsequently locked up by Wanda’s people for a few 


Leo was unwilling to mention this and said perfunctorily. “It’s a long story. I will tell you in the future.” 

did not ask anymore and said to him, “Leo, I have made a lot of money these years. Help me take out the money and 

Lanny give it to Miss Croft” 

When treating Miss Sales previously, she had promised that if Miss Sales awoke, she would set aside funds for Miss Croft. Even though Miss Sales passed away shortly after she awoke, Lanny must keep her promise in order to atone for her errors. She was injured and could not move, so she could only trouble Leo, saying. “The bank card is at home. Please make a trip. and give the card to Miss Croft. Tell her to take it.” 

Leo nodded, telling her to have a good rest, then departed the hospital. 

After Scarlett’s passing. Susan sequestered herself in her home, not venturing out anywhere. She refused to cat and simply 

in a stupor in Scarlett’s room. 


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