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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212 

When the 

rom this dream, Susan wept for an exte 

arlett had ever been well 

| period 

When she wo 

young her paren 

doned her due to her cor 

The first love at a young age hurt her deeply, the pain real despite it 

she grew up, the person she had fallen in love with her life, leaving her 

a misunder 

ith disappointment and regret before her 

Her Scarlett was probably completely desperate for this world, that was why she was unwilling to come back 

aften dreamed that Se 

come back. 

was doing better over there than the 

have here, and she wished that Scarlett 

  • day she too wOHI 

Scarlett left early, and everyone would eventually die if Su 

Just as 

that i 

arlen had said in her dream, she would build a house there. When Liamy and her life bere were over, she would come and take them home 

Then, pist as she had left the orphanage in this life, she would move into the same house, and the three of them would live together in love 

In this manner, the regret that they had not realized in this life could perust into the next. 

an came back to her senses and looked at the will that Scarlett had left for her. She softly replied. “Okay. 

She wanted to live a good life and then go to that world to find Scarlett, so that they could be sisters forever and never be separated 

As Susan adjusted her emotions, a knock sounded at the door. 

She thought it was Dey who had returned, so she quickly rose to open the door. Upon seeing Sel her expression suddenly fell 


Just as she was about to shut the door. Leo was one step ahead of her and barred the way “Hold on there, Mus Croft, Lanny 

asked me to come 

Hearing Lanny. Susiri’s expression was a little better, but she still did not have a good attitude toward Sebastians assistant “What does Dr Lanny need? 

Les did not care about Susans bad attitude. He took out a bank card and handed it to Susan. “Lanny said that she promised Miss Sales that she would give you some money. This is from her. Please accept it 

When Susan heard this, she was takeri aback and quickly pushed it away. “How i Laccept Dr Lanny’s money) 

She did not even know what to do with the money. Scarlett left her, let alone Dr. Lanny’s money. 

Leo packed up the card and threw it directly into the room. “The password is written on the card. “See you” 

He spun on his heel and hurled the card away before departing By the time Susan had snatched up the card and dashed out to chase him, he had already vanished. 

Susan hefted the bank card. her hand feeling moved 

Lanny and she had only had a few interactions due to Scarlet, yet Lanny remained steadfastly loyal 

Her so-called husband hadn’t come home for days, not even inquiring about her, and spending all his time with Cassandra 

It was only at this moment that Susan realized how stupid she was in the past 

In order to assist that jerk in repaying the mortgage, she toided day and night, yet ultimately, she was betrayed. 

If she had the time and money, it would be great to spend. 

Susan, thanking of this, took 

Cavundra mating once more 

time with Scarlett, so she wouldn’t regret it 

her mobile phone and chec ed the surveillance in the new home, only to frid Cosmo and 


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