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SnowMoon Healer novel Chapter 25

You need to wake up now Adellee, I am now here.' I can hear my wolf talking to me.

'Hena is that you?' I asked.

'Yes. My powers are now awaken.' She said with an evil grin.

'What are you talking about?' I asked.

'Open your eyes.' She said.

Slowly I open my eyes and see myself tied I a big tree. I look around to see man standing in front of me.

"Finally you're awake. Let us see what my master mean by showing you the blue moon." He said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Franco and that's all you need to know. I don't have time for chitchat. Now let us see." He walks towards me and pull me by my hair. "Look at the moon now." He said showing me the Blue moon who is shining so beautiful in the sky.

Something inside me is burning. I look t the moon but I see nothing as it shines blinds me.

"It hurts! It hurts!" I shouted. I feel my claws are extending as my nose, ears and eyes are bleeding. My bones are cracking as well as my skull. "What is happening to me?" I saw the man smiling at me.

"You are changing." He said.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I shouted.

I closed my eyes and when I open it, everything change. I can now clearly see the forest even it is dark. I can smell everything even the ants on the ground. I look at the man who is now shocked at my appearance. I look at him ready to kill him for kidnapping me. I walk slowly when I saw paws. I look at myself and I realized that I shift into my wolf. I haven't seen any wolf like me. My fur is white and blue like the blue moon, my canines are big that usual wolf. It's like a Panther type of fangs and my claws are so white and sharp.

'Is this your form Hena?' I asked y wolf.

'Yes it is.' She said proudly.

'You are beautiful' I complimented her. She just smirks at me.

"This is what my master wanted me to see? This is want he want to clarify?" The man standing in front of me said. To see him so shocked makes me questioned his reaction.

I know I need to be mad at him and kill him but something isn't right. He smells weird.

I jump to him and he looks surprised at my move. I am surprisingly fast.

He immediately pushes me away from him.

"Don't dare test my patience lady; I don't want to hurt you. My master just wants to clarify if you are the one we are looking for." He said.

It caught my attention.

I tried to shift back into my wolf form but it's hard. I try and try until Hena cooperated and let me handle the guy myself.

I stand naked in front of him which he didn't mind.

"What are you? You smell like dead." I said.

"I'm not what you think I am. We do existing Lady." Franco said.

"You are not human nor werewolf. I'm sure you're not an oracle because you are a man, so what are you?" I asked him.

"You said I smell like death so what am I?" He smirked at me.

My eyes widened at the realization. This could not happen. I never thought they really exist in our world. I though Twilight story is just an imaginative creation of the writer.

"You're a vampire?" I asked.

"Exactly" He said smirking at me.

"It's impossible. I didn't hear about your kind. I thought that it's just a myth." I said.

"We are myths because we chose to be that way. This is the first time I show myself and I tell you, I don't like the idea. But my Master or should I say, My King wanted to know if you are real." He said.

"You have a King? What the hell is he wanted to clarify?" I asked.

"It is not my concern to tell you. But be prepare, he will get you and I am very sure that he is coming for you." He said before he just disappears in the air.

He jumped in the cliff!!!

I look around and smell everything. I am still in the pack land. I remember to open my mind to hear Kayden's voice. I am sure that he is already worried.

'Kayden? I called through our link.

'The fuck!!!! Adellee where are you?' He asked. He sounded so worried.

'I'm not sure where it is but I'm sure I'm still in our pack. I can see cliff in front of me.' I said to him.

'You are at the North-East side of the pack. Wait for me there.' He said.

'Ahm Kayden?'


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