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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 35

“Myra, don’t you think it’s weird? When Elsie had an affair with Director Chase, she could have everything that she wanted in the Chase Group. Now, not only is she demoted to an assistant, I’ve even seen the director scolding and punishing her because of some tiny mistakes. Could it be that… Director Chase has found out that she tried to seduce Director Hart, so he is now punishing her out of anger and shame?”

After all, most men could not accept being cuckolded.

The moment Myra heard the name ‘Director Chase’ in her ears, she could not help but remember those cruel words that Sean said that day. Since she felt a pain in her heart, she said faintly, “Who knows?”

She also noticed that Elsie had been recently silenced in the company, but it had nothing to do with her. I have no sympathy for this woman at all.

Soon after, the Hart Group informed them that they wanted to hold a final meeting for the revision of the design drafts.

This time, the meeting would be held in a hotel near the Sunny Bay Project because they probably wanted to adapt the measures to local conditions so that everyone could come up with the most reasonable plan.

Everyone was checking into the hotel the next day, so Myra returned home tonight to pack all her stuff.

Beside her, Eve remained silent even though she looked as though she wanted to tell her something. In the end, she seemed to come to a decision as she tugged her daughter-in-law’s sleeves. “Myra, I know that you had an argument with Sean, but a husband and wife should compromise with each other. You know Sean’s temper well. Even though he can be a little rash at times, he’ll regret it soon afterward. Can you please stop being mad at him? If you decide to move out, I’ll be very worried.”

For a moment, Myra was startled before realizing that it was just a misunderstanding, so she explained, “Mom, I’m just going on a business trip for a few days.”

A business trip? Eve still could not believe her. “Where are you going?” I don’t remember Sean telling me that Myra is having any business trips with the company lately.

“I’ll still be staying in the city, but because the meeting might take three or four days to complete, I’ve decided to move out for convenience sake,” Myra answered.

Sunny Bay was more than 3 hours away from the house by car and there would also be huge changes to the design draft, so she could not spend any more time traveling all the way there.

At that point, Eve still did not believe Myra, but she could only allow the latter to continue packing her stuff.

However, as soon as Eve entered the kitchen, she immediately called Sean on the phone.

Myra did not need to bring much of her stuff for her three day stay, so she only packed some daily necessities and three sets of clean clothes. After taking a bath, she saw a notification for an unread message on her phone screen when she came out of the bathroom.

After unlocking her phone, the context of the message instantly came into view—‘Myra, we’ll talk about it when I return.’

It was Sean who texted her as he was on a business trip in the United States. However, he seemed to notice that his message did not fully convey his intention, so a minute later, her phone rang again as another text with only three words was sent to her—‘Wait for me.’

Throughout Myra’s life, what tormented her the most was waiting for someone. In the past, she had experienced what it was like to wait for someone with hope before it gradually turned into despair, as if her heart was being repeatedly tormented without even having a minute to rest.

Maybe Sean himself did not even understand that his three words were so ambiguous that it gave her hope, but at the same time, it cruelly dared her to hope for more.

After staring at the three words in a daze, she had already typed the word ‘alright’ before returning to her senses.

For a moment, Myra was dumbfounded. Am I telling him that I want to talk to him or… wait for him?

A moment later, she deleted the word in frustration and threw her phone aside before turning off the lights to sleep.

As she tossed and turned on her bed until 2:00AM with her eyes wide open, she felt a sense of pain slicing her heart. Then, she picked her phone up again and unlocked it while her lips trembled. The two consecutive texts still remained on the screen.

With her stiff fingers, she slowly retyped the word ‘alright’ and sent it without knowing what she was feeling inside.

After waiting for half an hour, her lips revealed a self-mocking smile since she did not receive any reply from the other end. Without any hesitation, she switched off her phone right away and lay down with her eyes closed.


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