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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 36

Myra nodded her head.

After that, everyone went to their room to place their luggage and wash themselves before they gathered at the designated meeting room.

She had gained a lot of knowledge from today’s meeting.

When her work was heavily criticized last time by the Hart Group, she had a faint feeling that they were actually venting their anger toward her design drafts, but it was still being questioned by others. That was the reason why she recently came up with a brand new design blueprint after having a new inspiration. The moment she returned to her hotel room, she could not wait to start redrawing her draft, hoping that she could finish it and hand it over to the Hart Group before the end of their business trip.

After being busy for some time, she finally felt hungry, but it was already past 9:00PM.

Therefore, she went to the restaurant downstairs to order something to satiate her hunger. Just as she was about to return to her room, Leo stopped her in her tracks. “Miss Stark, are you going back to your room? Can you help me to bring Mr. Hart’s dinner to him? I need to return to the construction site right away to deal with something.”

Since Myra stayed in the room next to Tony’s, she did not feel troubled at all, so she nodded her head and took the lunch box from Leo. However, as she turned, she failed to notice the sly smile on Leo’s lips.

When she arrived at the door of Tony’s room, she knocked on the door, but no one came to answer it.

Therefore, she knocked on the door again, but this time, she opened the door right away since it was not locked.

“Director Hart, are you there?”

She called for Tony while entering the room, but no one answered. Just as she hesitated on whether to leave his dinner inside and leave or return in a little while, Meow, who was playing alone, ran over to her excitedly as soon as the dog heard her voice. Then, it bit her dress and pulled her inside.

“Meow, let me go now. I can’t go inside.”

Of course, a dog could not understand what Myra was saying.

Seeing that the big white dog was dragging her into Tony’s bedroom, she felt helpless and awkward at the same time. Therefore, she casually placed the lunch box on the cabinet by the door and held on to Meow’s head so that it would stop dragging her around.

“You can’t simply bring strangers into your master’s room. He’ll be angry at you!” Myra patted the dog’s head.

Instead, Meow started to lick her hand when she tried to pat its head while its bright eyes stared at her. Looking at it, Myra did not know whether to cry or laugh. Since I am inside his room, I’ll just take the lunch box and place it somewhere obvious for him to see later so that he’ll know that it’s for him.


The moment she picked up the lunch box, a man’s deep husky voice was suddenly heard in front of her. When the word came out of his mouth, it appeared to lose some of its gentleness, but at the same time, it sounded much sexier.

For some reason, she could feel a thump in her heart as she lifted her gaze and saw the bare feet of a man wearing sandals.

Meanwhile, there were drops of water dripping from the man, showing that he just came out of the bathroom. As her eyes followed where the water drops came from…

Instantly, her whole body froze as the lunch box in her hands fell to the floor.

“You… Director Hart… W-Why did you come out without wearing any clothes?!”

Since the two of them were at such close proximity, she felt the damp heat of the man lingering around her, as if she could sense the masculine temperature of his body.

After a shock, Myra turned in a hurry and ignored the lunch box on the floor. As she clenched her hands, she felt flustered.

When she looked up earlier, her eyes just happened to see Tony while he was slowly wrapping a towel around him. Not only that, he only wrapped the back of his waist.

Immediately, her entire face flushed all the way to her neck and it reached a boiling point!

At the moment, he had already wrapped the towel around him as he lazily leaned against the door frame.


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