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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 

He forcefully pressed the button to open the doors, and the panic in his eyes was obvious

Are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous it is to block the elevator door?he chaslised

Larissa had some common sense, so she knew. However, her first reaction during an emergency wasn’t something she could control. So, she hid her hand behind her back

Kevan quickly grabbed it and saw an obvious red mark across her hand. He narrowed his eyes, and Larissa could feel the danger in his gaze. She quickly pulled away, but he held her hand tighter

Don’t move.His voice was gentle, and Larissa did as told. Then, she fell annoyed. Even though she did something wrong, she was the one who was hurl. She didn’t understand why she fell guilty

Then, Kevan pressed the button to take them to the twentieth floor. Since Larissa stood further away from the button and her hand was held by Kevar, she couldn’t touch it. So, she whispered. Please help me press the button to loor 18. Thank you.” 

Kevan didn’t move. Instead, he asked with a frown, Floor 187 Why do you need to look for Dylan?” 

In fact, she was just afraid of going home, Kevan didnt give her a chance to answer and said domineeringly, He’s not home yet. Come to my place first.” 

It didn’t sound like there was room for discussion

Okay.Larissa didn’t plan to refuse him either

This was the first time that Larissa had visited Keyan’s place after she had moved to Foxtall Garden, Although it was separated by

ceiling, the layouts of their places were completely different

Kevan had removed all the partitions, and one could see the whole apartment from the entrance. It made the whole place look extremely spacious. Moreover, it was decorated only with black, white, and gray. There weren’t any other colors

The style of his room was cold, just like Kevan’s personality

Suddenly, Larissa thought of the passionate night they had, and her ears became red

Do you feel warm? Kevan noticed her face was llushed

Larissa cried out in surprise and denied it. Then she used her hand to fan herself to relax 

Kevan walked to the thermostat and lowered the room temperature. After that, he took out a pair of new slippers that were fuzzy, pink, and locked like rabbits. They were extremely adorable. Larissa locked at them and felt that they looked out of place

The slippers are new. I’ve kept them in the cabinet, and no one has wom them before.Kevan noticed she hadn’t moved and thought she 

disliked it

Oh, thank you.Larissa nodded. Then, she took off her high heels and wore the slippers. It was just as she expected, warm and soft

Where did you buy these? she asked Kevan in surprise. However, she regretted it the moment she said that and felt that she was a fool. It was obvious Kevan didn’t buy this himself. He wouldn’t know the answer


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